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Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The “TRAINING EXPERIENCE IN EUROPE ALHAMBRA II” Project is promoted by the Consortium of the following VET Schools (sending organisations).- “Virgen de las Nieves” VET School Consortium Coordinator (Granada)- “Moraima” (Loja, Granada) VET School.- “Pedro Jiménez de Montoya” VET School (Baza, Granada)- “La Zafra” VET School (Motril, Granada)- “Albayzín” VET School (Granada)- “Padre Poveda” VET School (Guadix. Granada)- “Hispanidad” VET School (Santa Fe, Granada)- “Alfonso XI” VET School (Alcalá la Real, Jaén)- “Aguadulce” VET School (Almería)The Consortium support the Erasmus + Program, once again, as an effective, empowerment and practical training, both for students and staff of schools. This is the second edition of a Project approved in 2015 that is developing now (closing selection process and beginning of the activities of preparation of the stays abroad). The system of organization and coordination of the project is a reference for other organisations at the provincial level. This is the reason that 4 schools join the Consortium in this new proposal in order to gain experience and to apply it in their environment in next calls of the Erasmus+ programme.Its main objectives are: - Incorporating the European perspective in schools.- To analyse the adequacy of the "Credit System for Vocational Education and Training" (ECVET), by observing specific cases.- Developing the key skills necessary for the transition from the field of education and training to the European labour market, as well as basic skills (entrepreneurship, digital skills and multilingualism), and professional and transverse skills.- To improve the language skills of the participants.- Promoting intercultural awareness and values.- Updating and /or acquisition of innovative teaching techniques through the development of training experiences in other schools and similar institutions in European countries.ACTIVITIES REFERRED - 27 internships of 2 weeks to Italy for Students of the First Year of their Vocational Training. It will be granted as an incentive to the 3 best academic records of each school. On the one hand, it will allow the students to carry out workshops and practical activities in similar training schools to their own, interacting with students and staff. On the other hand, the students will have the opportunity to do their internships in companies, so they can immerse themselves in the business reality of the country and in the teams of the companies. This first experience of mobility will contribute to promote that the students that finalize the second year of their vocational studies will select the realization of their obligatory traineeship in companies (FCT) abroad.EXPECTED RESULTS:- Having an initial approach and an access to the outside world as a prelude and a driving force for the mobilities of the second year. - Immersing themselves in the reality of structure and working teams of a company.- 65 Mobilities of 90 days duration for STUDENTS OF THE SECOND YEAR OF THEIR VOCATIONAL TRAINING to develop the obligatory traineeship in companies (FCT) abroad and RECENT GRADUATES: ITALY (50), CZECH REPUBLIC (5), UK (10). EXPECTED RESULTS:- Overcoming the FCT Module and obtaining the Official Certification of their vocational studies.- Developing the key skills necessary for the transition from the field of education and training to the European labour market, as well as basic skills (entrepreneurship, digital skills and multilingualism), and professional and transverse skills.- Promoting intercultural awareness and values (respect, dialogue, mutual understanding and the value of diversity).- 18 mobilities for the STAFF (JOB SHADOWING)Mobilities of 5 days duration in ITALY (2), FINLAND (7), CZECH REPUBLIC (2), GERMANY (2), and UK (5), with the participation of teachers and directors of the schools.EXPECTED RESULTS:- Updating and acquisition of innovative teaching techniques.- To Analyse the adequacy of the "Credit System for Vocational Education and Training"(ECVET) by observing individual cases- Promoting the creation of networks with other schools.- Improving the level of languages.

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