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Training and Other Educational Activities for KES College staff and students
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Our project is one of the Erasmus+ projects that serves the aims of the cooperation of European countries in further developing and modernizing their VET systems by mutual interaction.The objectives of the project are:- Give to some VET teachers of our school the opportunity to have short training abroad in order to be exposed to other teaching methods and practices used elsewhere in Europe.- Give to some VET teachers of our school the opportunity to teach some topics of their field in the context of a similar school abroad, collaborate with colleagues and get valuable experience out of this interaction.The total number of participating teachers is 3. In order to be selected for participation in the project, teachers should be experienced and have very good teaching performance.It is expected that from their participation, teachers will gain knowledge, skills and ideas for better teaching and that they will identify good practices which they can apply when they come back. Furthermore, the collaboration with colleagues may continue after the activities, contributing so to the down up interaction between VET systems in Europe. - Give to some students the opportunity to have training either in similar vocational institutions or in enterprises abroad. The total number of participating students is 11. The selection of students will be based on their wish to participate and their overall performance.It is expected that by participating in training activities in another European country, students will gain valuable experience in their field of study and that they will have the opportunity to meet potential employers. Furthermore, by meeting other European young people and establishing friendships with them students contribute to the European integration.
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