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Training and Employment Opportunities for Young Disabled People
Start date: Oct 1, 2014, End date: Apr 1, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project follows on from a European seminar held in Sheffield UK in 2010 when staff working with young disabled people met to discuss issues relating to training and employment opportunities for young disabled people and to learn from each others good practice. The 3 groups involved in this exchange carried on a dialogue after the seminar and between them agreed the young disabled people themselves should have a first-hand input into the debate and to have a forum to learn from each other in the same way and to provide information to inform policy makers in their respective situations. The participants are all young people with learning disability, some with physical disability also and have in common experiences highlighting the challenges and barriers existing in providing meaningful training and employment opportunities for themselves. The activities will include a mixture of non-formal exchanges of ideas and information giving sessions by each country group, outlining respective situations to enable comparisons and joint learning and awareness raising. The majority of the activities will be visiting a range of training and employment facilities in Sheffield to witness good practice and to participate first hand in some of the initiatives thus facilitating experiential learning. There will be some general activities to enable participants to learn about life generally in each others' countries. The young people involved have limited intellectual skills and, as such, activities have to be tailor-made, at a slower pace and include significant non-structured time to enable concentration skills to be high and each piece of learning to be consolidated before going on to the next. The involvement of the participants will be supported by staff who know them well and are able to help them articulate themselves. It is envisaged each participant will be more knowledgeable and therefore more empowered to return home and continue in trying to improve provision. It is also envisaged that the final report will be circulated around policy makers in all home environments to contribute knowledge an experience to the task of improving opportunities for training and work for young disabled people.

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