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Training and connecting youth European drug workers
Start date: Jun 19, 2016, End date: Nov 18, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The aims of this project are to:1. Increase the professional qualifications of young employees of non-governmental organizations working with young people in the areas related to drug use in Europe. By this, we will increase the quality of relevant services provided to the youth which will decrease the scale of drug-related problems.2. Support collaboration between young European NGO employees and NGO's themselves, to increase effectivenes of their work, exchange good practies, expand the area of their involvement and create more effective solutions in youth and drug policy in Europe.During this project we will be achieving a number of goals of Erasmus+, action 1 of Erasmus+ "Mobility of young people and youth workers" and Renewed Framework for European cooperation in the Youth field, among them: promotion of volunteer work, tackling discrimination, increasing of professional qualifications of youth workers and qualifications regarding practices, strategies and systems in the youth area.Participants of the project will be 18 youth workers from NGOs from UK, Hungary, Poland, Belgium, FYROM and Romania (three from each country), who work with young people in the areas related to drugs and drug abuse. Participants everyday work cover topics such as discrimination, drug abuse, partyworking, civic participation, support for people with drug problem.Together with project partners and participants we have identified the areas in which they can offer their expertise, and in which they would like to improve their qualifications. This way we have created project's program, which includes topics such as: advocacy and youth education through new media and video, partyworking, cooperation with volunteers and management in NGOs, reduction of harms related to the drug use.Specific modules of the project will be carried out by coordinator and partners, through participants. They will take place during three 4-day meetings in Warsaw, Budapest and Antwerp. Between the meetings participants will cooperate over the internet, on solving specific problems, preparing to next meetings and monitoring the practical implementation of qualifications gained during past ones.In this project we utilize the non-formal learning methods that are the most active and inclusive for participants. They will usually cooperate in mixed groups, work with volunteers creating real projects for development of their inovlvement in partner organizations, take part in partworking and streetworking activities, increase the awareness on the youth drug problems by making and sharing short movies on these issues, or develop their organization's presence in social media. Our goals is to let participants share their professional qualifications during real work, sometimes with support of trainers, and at the same time increase their language and cultural competences. In every country that will be hosting one of the meetings we will create at least one specific result of the project: plan of recruitment and collaboration with the volunteers; educational materials for partyworking; movies on the drug-related problems faced by local NGOs and youth; guide on working with youth problem drug users. These will be utilized by partner organizations, other European NGOs thanks to dissemination of project results, as well as they will benefit the local communities.Results of this project will be: 1. Increase of qualifications of participants in the areas covered by the project, which will be utilized in the specific projects implemented on national level by partner organizations. This will be reflected in the higher quality and effectiveness of NGO performance and services provided to young people .2. Development of international cooperation between participants and their organizations.3. Increase of understanding of the learning processes (which, among the other, we will utilize the Youthpass certicipace for).4. Material results in a form of created videos, interactive website, coursebook of good practices related to the areas of the project.Long-term results will be the increase of professional qualifications of youth workers working in the field of drugs, which will improve the quality of services provided by them to young people, and as a result decrease in the scale of drug-related problems among them, as well as improvements in collaboration between relevant NGOs in Europe and youth involvement of young people in non-governmental organizations, and public participation in general.
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6 Partners Participants