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Trainees in Europe
Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The Louise-Schroeder-Schule, College of Office Management and Public Administration,, is a public educational institution that offers academic courses for a range of occupational fields in the sectors of business management, public administration, and media and information services. The College is divided into four departments. In two departments courses are given for students who train in the German dual system, the other two department offer full time courses that lead either to a degree as an assistant of office management or to the German high school diploma with a special focus on extra studies in law and economics. About 3200 students are taught and trained by 160 teachers. The majority of the students who do their academic part of the dual training in our college do their practical part of the training in federal, federal state or university and research institutions. The academic teaching includes – in addition to the usual curricula – courses or modules in public law, economics, politics and citizen-oriented good governance. Since 2002 the college has been taking part in international programs in the context of the European Mobility programs Comenius and Leonardo da Vinci mobility projects and transboundary traineeship combination. In 2007 the college founded a separate office for its international activities. Since then it has been active under the name traineeINeurope. A team of six colleagues is responsible for the different international programs and their development and the internationalisation of the school in general. Since 2004 ca. 350 students have been sent abroad to public institutions and private companies to do 2-6 month internships in the administration, in libraries or in offices. Among our partners are public and private institutions, private companies, and universities. Our partners are in Belgium, Bulgaria, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Great Britain, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Malta, Norway, Hungaria, the Netherlands, Poland, Sweden, Spain and Turkey. Actually about 45 students take part in the placement program every year. We are constantly keeping contact to our partners abroad and are acquiring new partners to guarantee high quality placements for our students, also by visiting the partners personally. The college has long-term cooperations with different national and state institutions in Berlin and Brandenburg which support the international programs, i.e. by organizing the yearly handover of the EU mobility certificates together with the college, Training our students for the international market therefore is an integral part of the academic program of the college. Apart from occupational knowledge the college offers language courses in Business English, -French, -Polish, -Russian, Spanish and –Turkish. Therefore, in most of the curricula for the different programs offered by the college learning foreign languages is mandatory. In special language classes the students get intensive English/Polish/Turkish lessons. They pass the whole 4th term abroad where they complete an internship as administrative assistants. Language skills can be proved by taking part in different nationally and internationally recognized language tests (KMK-certificate, DELF, Cambridge BEC). All these activities aim to help students gain qualified competences for a more and more open and international labour market.
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