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Trainees And Trainers Gain International Competences III
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Aim of the project: 93 participants(students, trainees, trainers and teachers) of different middle schools and voc.higher schools as well as Vocational Schools of the region Carinthia take part in this project to gain international work experience as well as 4 accompanieing people. Our partners abroad are in AT, IT, UK, FI, MT, IE, FR, SI, DKThe organisators of the project help the participants before the actual start of the traineeship, between the traineeship and after the traineeship in variuous fields of needed organisation (contracts, learning agreements, preparation, monitoring, ECVET-evaluation) At the end of the project a big presentation with representatives of the schools as well as the media is going to take place.Description of the activities: The participants do a traineeship abroad.As Europe is in the need of workers with international experience and linguistic competences this project is going to give international expercience to the participants. Also the linguistic compentences can be developed in the traineeship. One more aim of the project is do develop open-minden European citizens.The project is going to take place in: AT, IT, UK, FI, MT, IE, FR, SI, DK from the 1st of June 2016 till the 31st of May 2018.

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