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Trainee´s Mobility Project 2016 - 2018
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Context/Background"Internationale Berufsbildung Jade" (IBJ) is a cooperation of five vocational schools working together since 2007 in mobility projects in IVT. Germ cell of our cooperation is BBS1 Wilhelmshaven, acting as coordinator within "Jade Train 2016-2018" and being the head office of our cooperation. Since 2013 IBJ is simultaneously one of four mobility centers within a pilot project of the Ministry of Education in Lower Saxony being situated at vocational schools. The catchment area of IBJ is congruent with the regional economic area 'Jade Bay' characterized especially by tourism, port and logistics industry, aviation, and services. The special mixture of sectors combined with demographic change and the demand for qualified staff in our region, needs vocational schools promoting internationalization and mobility in order to support the attractivness of our region in terms of education, business, and a place to live. Objectives1) Establishment of common quality standards for mobilities within IBJ as well as in our international network together with regional training companies.2) Acquisition of international occupational competence and professionalization on the part of all involved individuals in mobilities as learning arrangements - trainees, teachers and trainers.3)Expansion of mobilities to previously inactive fields of the consortium with the involvement of new teachers and trainers of relevant training courses at IBJ schools.4) Expansion, multiplication and further professionalisation of educational staff in schools and enterprises based on ECVET.4) Stabilization and continuity of the existing international network of partners.Number and profile of participantsA total of 74 trainees and 13 members of training staff (teachers / trainers) are directly involved in the mobilities. The majority of trainees is in the second half of their vocational training in the German 'Dual System' in the professional fields of business and administration, engineering, nursing, agriculture, and hairdressers/beauticians. The educational staff is also active in these areas.Description of activitiesTrainees and training staff will carry out the learning stays with various partners in our network, while exploring and evaluating the instruments and measures of our ECVET-based quality standards which we have agreed on with our partners. In addition to the learning outcomes of the preparatory phase, especially the learning agreements, learning activities and assessment procedures are in focus.MethodologyThe consistent use of europass and ECVET tools (MoU and learning agreements) and the definition of learning outcomes for all phases (Before, During and After) the learning arrangement 'mobility' combined with integration into regular classes at the IBJ schools provide the guiding principles of our project. The interested trainees go through a multi-step preparation process in which they have achieved initial learning outcomes to be used as 'input' for their learning stay abroad, if they belong to the selected participants. During their learning stay the trainees inform and document their activities for the teachers being in charge of monitoring via online tools (e.g. a learning platform). Teachers comment, correct and add this ongoing documentation and thus control the acquisition of skills additionally. After returning the learning results are fed back into regular classes at the IBJ schools.Results and impactIn terms of trainees and training staff, we aim to increase the competence in the field of intercultural competence, international vocational competence, language skills and 'network competence' which not only promotes personal development of individuals, but also supports the professionalization of internationalization in the IBJ schools.Longterm benefitsWe assume that the regional 'mobility climate' can be further improved by our dispatch of trainees, not only by promoting the positive development of our culture of dispatch but also by increasing the willingness to accept guest interns. In this respect, the 'welcoming culture' in the JadeBay region will continue to improve and the qualified cooperation of the learning sites - vocactional schools and training companies - in the field of internationalization will have positive effects on the business location JadeBay.

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