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Train-Com: Developing Training Competence in IVET by Using Units of Learning Outcomes

The transfer and implementation of VET-policy guidelines from the European level all to way to VET practice requires targeted operationalisation involving the relevant local stakeholders. In an effort to identify the various developments in and approaches to competence-oriented VET in Europe and make them available to the training and teaching staff in business enterprises and educational institutions, the Forschungsinstitut Betriebliche Bildung [Research Institute for Vocational Education and Training] (f-bb), in collaboration with five partner institutions hailing from Austria, Czech Republic, Spain, the United Kingdom, and Italy, have collected good-practice examples of VET and compiled these examples in a multilingual, internet-based information and learning platform entitled The big advantage of internet-based learning platforms is that they can be integrated with comparative ease in situational learning and learning integral to work and business processes. The implementation of competence-based VET requires competences and a sensitive, qualified staff. Moreover, it implies a strict and structured relationship between training developed at the workplace, and basic skills and theoretical knowledge focused by VET schools. The TrainCom Learning Platform has been conceived and designed first of all to provide a common basis of discussion and learning for all the relevant actors in the field of VET. It aims at making them sensitive on the issues related to competence orientation. Moreover, it is addressed to in-company trainers, in order to make them aware of specific abilities needed for acting as coaches and facilitators.
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7 Partners Participants