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Traditions et folklore liés à l'alimentation
Start date: Sep 15, 2015, End date: Sep 14, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project involves two schools of vocational and technical secondary education: the Institut Ilon - Saint-Jacques in Namur in Belgium and the Istituto Statale di istruzione secondaria superiore "A. Damiani" in Marsala in Sicily The project is addressed to teachers and students of reception and catering stream, the number of people involved will be about 200. Students will range between 16-19. This project has lots of objectives. Through a survey on cooking traditions and folklore, students and teachers will find out and experience new cooking methods and techniques. During the implementation of this project, thanks to the exchanges and meetings that will occur, students will enhance their linguistic and ITC competences and also their vocational competences in relation to the course of study they are involved in. Due to the new methods used, the project will enhance students’ interests and motivation above all of those students suffering from drop out problems. Thanks to the transnational mobilities that will be realized, students will have the opportunity of learning and sharing their different cultural traditions. The related activities, during the project, will be : • Students will realize a survey on traditions and folklore linked to the local diet ; the experience will be based on a regional recipe or on a product remarkable for its history or for the tradition it embodies. The survey will consist of two parts : on one hand the explanation of the recipe or the product and on the other hand the explanation of its history ; it might be described in different ways : through videos, personal experience, reports,etc. • In a future transnational meeting some survey selection methods will be decided . On this base students’ surveys will be selected. Moreover the surveys will be translated into different vehicular languages of the project. • The students of each partner country will organize a guided tour among the most important local sights to be visited by their partners. • The Belgian students will visit Sicily in a 12 days staying. During their staying they will attend classes of the hosting school with the object of experience the Italian teaching and learning style ; they will be taken around by the Italian students that will play the role of local guides.In addition the group will take care of the organization of a « cooking live exposition « , in which the guesting partner will present and realize its regional product or recipe to the attending people ( students, teachers and local citizens), explaining the cultural traditions. • The Sicilian students will return their visit going to Namur in a 12 days staying. The visit will involve the same organization as above mentioned. As far as the main applied methods, they will be based on a collaborative/cooperative full immersion learning. The project will be spanned in two years, during this period we hope students will improve the quality of their learning process. Hopefully they might also get a new relationship with the educative institution looking at it in a more friendly way. In the same way from the teachers side they will improve the quality of their teaching taking advantage of the best practices of their foreign partners (mutual teaching). As regards the « cooking live exposition », one of the main concern of the project will be its possible washback effect into the economy of the two regions. The outcome of the project will have a positive effect on the schools, even in the future years, thanks to a web site in which the partners will have the opportunity to keep on exchanging their best practises relevant to the above project.

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