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Start date: Apr 30, 2003, End date: May 30, 2006 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The aim of the Town-Net project was to make a significant contribution to achieve stronger, more competitive town networks through greater complementary and co-operative measures to aid in spatial development between the municipalities concerned. Through this, the project has built on the particular strengths and potential of the different towns concerned which in turn has lead to a greater specialisation and differentiation, as well as a more competitive and cohesive town network. In short to show that a group of towns situated close to each other can co-operate and complement each other is a clear way that the region as a whole will profit. Achievements: The project has been a catalyst and also provided a transnational structure for colaboration. It enabled activity that would not have happened otherwise – this includes hiring external experts, research and developing strategy. Furthermore, the partners were really in the beginning of the process of building cooperative working relationships between towns and cities that have long been rivals. Town-Net has worked in the following fields: • Economic cooperation,• Infrastructure connections, • Spatial quality and • Regional identity.The development of a structural framework for coordinating investment promotion activities can be seen as a first step for competing areas. As an example the city of Bremen (DE) will deepen its regional cooperation under the new label "European Metropolitan Region Bremen-Oldenburg in the Northwest".A concrete benefit for some regions was that by cooperating as a region as a whole, they increased status with regards to national policy. Examples were the 'urban networks' in the Netherlands and the National Centres in Denmark. In the Netherlands, the 'urban networks' has contributed to the approved Strategic Spatial Plan for the South Frisian Towns Area. The plan set out the main proposals for housing, employment, landscape and infrastructure up to the year 2030. These proposals were very strategic and needed to be worked out in more detail prior to implementation. This was the focus in the Town-Net project.

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  • 50.1%   2 252 037,00
  • 2000 - 2006 North Sea Region
  • Project on KEEP Platform

6 Partners Participants