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Towards wise use in Lonjsko Polje Nature Park, Croatia
Start date: Aug 1, 2001, End date: Jul 31, 2004 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Background Lonjsko Polje Nature Park covers 506km2 of wetland located within the floodplains of the Middle Sava-River basin (Posavina, Croatia). It is both a Ramsar Site and an Important Bird Area. The site represents the largest inundation area of the Danube River catchment and, according to the EU-Habitat Directive, hosts seven habitats and 89 species. In 1998, the Croatian government established the Lonjsko Polje Nature Park Public Service to protect, maintain, and promote the park. The Park Service manages the park in accordance with the Ramsar Convention, through wise use and stakeholder participation. The World Conservation Union (IUCN) showcased the site as an example of Best Practices of Conservation Planning in Rural Areas. Existing capacities are not sufficient to meet the management goals, however. Capacity building, education, and the wider participation of stakeholders are needed to further implement international and national policies in Lonjsko Polje Nature Park. Objectives The overall project objective is to develop and improve the Ramsar Wise-Use approach in Lonjsko Polje Nature Park by building the capacities of the park’s Public Service and raising stakeholder awareness. In particular, the project will contribute to: (1) protecting the biological and landscape diversity of the park; (2) improving the benefits of the local people; (3) raising public awareness; and (4) insuring effective and environmentally sound water control for the whole Sava-River basin. The project seeks to: 1. Increase the institutional capacity of Lonjsko Polje Nature Park Public Service; 2. Improve stakeholders’ involvement in the management process; 3. Promote wise-use, including traditional land-use and sustainable tourism; 4. Increase the level of knowledge about the Park’s biodiversity; and 5. Raise public awareness about the Park and its ecological and cultural values. Results The project has successfully achieved its expected results: Result 1 “Increased institutional capacity of the Lonjsko Polje Nature Park”. During the project period, the number of permanent staff of the Lonjsko Polje Nature Park (LPNP) was increased from six to nine, and the institutional capacity of the LPNP reinforced through training and the upgrade of equipment. In addition, the project established a functioning network of visitor and information centres throughout the LPNP. Result 2 “Enhanced expert skills and knowledge of staff”. The project carried out seminars and study tours on basic ecology, communication, interpretation (guiding) and monitoring. The experience gained contributed to an increased capacity of the LPNP staff and the results were published by the LPNP Park Service in a ranger’s and interpreter’s Handbook. The Handbook was presented at regional and national level, and therefore had a wide impact. In addition, the project held a GIS training course which prompted a lot of interest from the participants. Result 3 “Local people be aware of the wise-use approach related to traditional land-use planning”. The beneficiary delivered many lectures aimed at local schools, farmers, students, and experts. The project identified practical education on the theme “The Park goes to the farmers” which was very important for the future of the park. The project demonstrated that two indicators showing the positive attitude of local people towards the protected area have been met: (1) the decrease of livestock has been reversed; and (2) local people have started to explore the fields of tourism and visitor management. Result 4 “Increased visitor knowledge of the ecological and cultural values of the park”. The number of visitors to the Nature Park increased during the project lifetime. The project gathered feedback from visitors on the interpretation programmes implemented by the project; the results indicate that visitors had a very positive impression. Result 5 “Improved stakeholder involvement in the management of the protected areas and in the decision making process”. This result has been the most difficult to achieve. However, the project has successfully established a stakeholder committee and has succeeded in establishing co-operation with various organisations at both planning and practical levels. In particular, the beneficiary reports on cooperation with Croatian Waters, Croatian Forests, the police, building services, nature conservation and environmental protection inspections, livestock breeders and regional politicians. Result 6 “Increased public awareness of the LPNP”. The project has carried out a wide range of public awareness activities, including articles in the press, interviews and TV transmissions, a videotape, an interactive CD-ROM, and several bilingual bulletins. The LPNP bulletin was used to raise awareness on an international level and to integrate the project with other projects at regional and international level.

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