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Towards low CO2-emission urban public transport infrastructures (Ticket to Kyoto)
Start date: Mar 14, 2010, End date: Dec 30, 2014 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The aim of Ticket to Kyoto is to implement the principle of low CO2-emissions as a new standard for urban public transport operators. in order to contribute significantly to the governments CO2 reduction objectives. Transport is a high and growing contributor to CO2 emissions (30% of CO2 emissions in 2004). still extremely dependent from fossil fuels (at 98%). This is particularly sensitive in urban areas (80% of the West-European population). Public transports could bring a crucial contribution to Climate Change policies. due to CO2 emissions per passenger-km much lower than private cars. A standard for CO2 reductions. as proposed by Ticket to Kyoto (T2K). would help any European public transport operator to decrease its carbon footprint. The partners commit to achieve this aim with a concrete and ambitious approach. They will improve their own CO2 footprint with short and long term measures: a) Deep changes in staff behaviour. management and awareness; b) Large innovative and pilot investments in public transport infrastructures. generalised if the tests are concluding; c) Concrete plans for CO2 reduction. mainstreamed in the corporate strategy. They will also address typical institutional and market-related governance problems and develop a wide communication in order to involve public opinion and stakeholders into CO2 efficiency. Ticket to Kyoto has the ambition to contribute to IVB NWE Strategic Initiatives. fulfilling the criteria from the Terms of Reference: joint transnational strategy. important effects on investments and policies. integrated communication strategy and innovation. It will act on 3 strategic topics: transport. renewable energy and climate change. Achievements: Ticket to Kyoto reached its final stage in Paris in May 2014 at the occasion of the projects final event.Thanks to an excellent spirit of teamwork, shared values and responsibilities and above all great mutual understanding, the T2K partners succeeded in developing their own strategy to reduce CO2 emissions. To develop such a strategy, the partners analysed their CO2 emissions by using a common tool and defining common indicators. They also analysed their own local context in order to find leverage effects. The partnership acted directly to reduce energy use and increase energy efficiency through Quick Wins and 19 investments. Last but not least, the project partners raised the awareness of internal and external stakeholders on energy consumption through the T2K Annual Events, the Energy Week and two public campaigns.List of concrete outputs produced:- Reducing energy consumption in public transport (Report)- Quick wins for reducing energy consumption in public transport (brochure)- Overview of braking energy recovery technologies in the public transport field- Saving energy in metro and light rail stations- Individual investments sheetsELABORATING CO2 STRATEGIES- Specification for the trip calculator for Public Transport- Choice and analysis of indicators to monitor GHG emissions- Carbon balance- Elaborating CO2 strategies in public transportCONTEXTUAL ANALYSIS- Contextual drivers for CO2 reductions in public transport- Integrating carbon reduction into decision-making and key business processesCOMMUNICATING- Five annual movies and six video animations- Two public campaigns, including one TV spot which introduced the project in 2010- One energy week done in all the partners companies- Newsletters- One T2K book presenting all the project results- One website produced at the beginning of the project and one website produced at the end of the project containing all the project results- Five annual eventsAll the project results can be found on the T2K website:

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  • 50%   6 006 145,60
  • 2007 - 2013 North West Europe
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

4 Partners Participants