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Towards Innovative Educational Methods by Getting Experience from Each Other

We watch the global unification, the tendency of the cooperation in various areas. This is clearly illustrated by the expansion of the European Union and globalization of the World. In that time, teachers play a vital role. But can a teacher engage the students with simple things such as work in the classroom and reading books, when youth grow up surrounded by computers, multimedia and innovative, high level technologies? Teacher can have the best intentions and the training skills, but if students do not have the right attitude to learn, if the teaching methods do not be renewed,attractive then the knowledge acquisition will be very small. Teachers have to help students to have a fancy for learning, therefore in this age full of changes, today's teachers need to learn to work with new and attractive technologies, to develop and offer innovative, modern training methods.Project "TOGETHER" seeks to make learning interesting and innovative for students, involving teachers, teaching different subjects in different European countries. The project will analyze and describe a modern, non-traditional and motivating teaching methods, produce recommendations, will test the new methods as well assessment of their real-use will be provided. Multicultural group of participants will collaborate together, exchange of best practices, acquire new experiences, deepen their knowledge and teaching skills using various innovative teaching methods and techniques. As well as learn from each other in European cooperation finding the unique in cultural context also will improve ICT and foreign language skills. Project activities, examples of good practice, feedbacks, other results will be published on the project website.
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5 Partners Participants