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Towards future-proof historic cities (PORTICO)
Start date: May 14, 2007, End date: Jun 30, 2014 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Cultural history is a driving force for the urban economy of many European cities. But it can also be a burden for urban development. as it poses restrictions on the opportunities for new developments (eg Convention on Archaeological heritage. Malta / Valletta). PORTICO considers such restrictions a catalyst for innovation: an encouragement to develop new methods. techniques and ways of thinking about urban development - above and below surface. The OVERALL AIM of the PORTICO project is to stimulate urban development of historic cities by linking the knowledge economy to the experience economy. developing and testing new techniques and carrying out unconventional urban projects with mixed partnerships. Specific aims are to: • Create opportunities to develop inner-city locations with high prices of land. currently locked because of their archaeological value • Create experience economy profit zones in historic city centres and spin-off for wider urban socio-economic development • Develop and use new techniques for multiple use of urban space and underground building • Develop and use techniques to enhance the experience of the history of Europe • Create a stimulating environment for talent (attracting people with a creative and entrepreneurial mindset) and for experiences (attracting consumers and tourists) Crucial in the approach of PORTICO is the conviction that. in order to find and implement innovative solutions. it is necessary to go beyond conventional sectoral delineations and division of roles. Portico takes a highly integrated approach to urban. social. cultural and economic development. We apply a cross-sectoral approach. with partners in new roles. different relations between public bodies. private companies and citizens. and transnational learning communities. Our common European history is what binds us together. PORTICO aims to build on this history as a crucial competitive advantage. to tackle challenges for future development in NWE. Achievements: In Ghent (Belgium): Four views of Ghent have been digitalized, enabling you to travel through time and the evolving city. Ingenious multimedia techniques plunge you into history and whisk you off on an exciting journey packed with images and information. Multi-touch tables: Museum STAM has invested in new technologies for the period from 1950 to the present day. Image databanks enable visitors to view the collection in a natural and intuitive manner, using their hands to touch, drag, enlarge and reduce content. The technology is so user-friendly that no computer experience is required. Cointrail visualising part of the medieval trade route from Bruges to Cologne. or (mobile site) In Chester (UK):Explore the Walls: Use of nano lime technology to consolidate the fragile red sandstone phoenix panel dated 1613 at King Charles Tower First UK use of Ductal to form the roof canopy over the Roodee Interpretation Hub – now known as The Wing over the Roodee Structural repair of King Charles Tower by way of a designed space frame Making Towers previously closed to the public for over 25 years accessible again. First UK use of lava stone for interpretation panels Digital binoculars for visitor to experience time travel for 3 periods of history In Utrecht (NL):DOMunder An underground visiting center for Roman anmd mediaeval archaeology Monitoring the infuence of climate and light on archaeological profiles Castellum Hoge-Woerd (opening spring 2015) A reconstruction of the Roman fortress A pavilion "archaeologically friendly" constructed An integrated presentation of the archaeological heritage of the neighborhood Leidsche-Rijn, developed since 1998. Experiencing the relation between man and landscape through time. A presentation of an excavated Roman ship In Cologne (DE): Reconstruction of the entrance of the Ubian Monument Ultra-light building Köln (reconstructed synagogue on top of ancient remains – including sustainable preservation and accessibility of subsurface archaeological remains. Open spring 2015) Transnational studies and actions: Joint study on heritage impact and competitiveness Communitie of Practice on Experiences: Inspiration & Innovation in Heritage Interpretation Class of Masters on archaeology minded spatial (site) development Student Challenge Community of Practice on Connecting: new roles
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  • 50%   4 205 741,50
  • 2007 - 2013 North West Europe
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

4 Partners Participants