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Towards a European Qualification Prototype for Adults Trainers
Start date: Nov 1, 2008,

Supporting the professional and personal development of adults is a key“professional” in the knowledge society. However broad and differentiatedit may be according to the context, target learners, aims andorganisational principles, trainers of adults are sufficiently different -andrecognise themselves as such- from the teachers and trainers of youngpeople. The professional identity of adults trainers is a very valuableasset to implement a policy of lifelong learning in Europe. SeveralMember States have recognised the specificity of Adults Trainers andhave established -mostly by initiative of professional associationsqualificationframeworks and professional certificates. However, mobilityof trainers, and recognition of trainers’ qualifications is constrained by thelack of a common -and consensus based- authentically Europeanqualification and competence framework. While the EuropeanQualification Framework is proposed as a “”translator” among nationalqualifications, adults trainers, who have a key role to utilize, explain andevaluate such a device, have no common reference scheme to definetheir qualification and competency profile. This is an obstacle to mobilityand recognition not only at trans-national level within Europe but also atthe trans-sectoral level within the same country (e.g. from corporatetraining to the continuing training department of a University, or from adulteducation centres to re-conversion of over-45 unemployed workers). Inaddition to this, the use of ICT in work and learning is creating newchallenges and new opportunities to adult learners and their trainers thatrequire a serious review of existing qualifications, when they exist atnational level. Finally it must not be forgotten than most EU countrieshave no qualification framework of trainers. The QUADULTRAINERSsproject aims at increasing the recognition, the social prestige and theattractiveness of the adults trainers professions by proposing throughmulti-stakeholder research and consensus building process a EuropeanQualification Prototype for Adult Trainers. Moving from an in-depthanalysis of existing qualifications for trainers and learning facilitators ofadult learners, the QUADULTRAINERSs project will mobilise professionalnetworks and teachers training institutes to compare and review existingsystems and develop a new conceptual framework able not only tosummarise those existing systems, but also to reflect an innovationorientedconsensus building exercise. The emerging competencesframework will include emerging areas of high relevance in EU policy,such as inter-cultural learning, use of ICT and adult learners with specialneeds. On that sense, the project will take the Financial Service Sectoras the starting development ground for the renewed CompetenceFramework but will identify all the necessary dimensions of openness thatare needed to be kept in order to utilise the project outputs for furtheradoption/adaptation in other learning territories. From the outcomes ofthe research on the FSS, will be produced a European QualificationPrototype able to be adaptable and transferable to the rest of the adultlearning sectors and “territories”.
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7 Partners Participants