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Tourist maritime paths of South Baltic (Baltic Pass)
Start date: Jun 30, 2015, End date: Oct 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Transformation of a system of industries and changes accompanying with globalization changed importance of sailing as a tool of transport of goods and people.However, in many places infrastructure adapted to a sailing movement still has left a space and opportunities.At the same time, the memory of the old ways of transportation of goods by sea disappears. In many coastal regions and cites sailing heritage formed the stories of cities and regions, where were flywheel of traditions and customs,as well as a source of pride and identity of their inhabitants.The main challenge for the project will be creation of new tourism products in the form of regional and international sailing waterways.It means an analysis of the infrastructure’s potential that will enable the placement of attractive paths for sailing which will have a common theme specific to regions involved in the project.Project will be not about building new infrastructure but inventing new water routes for sailing based on already existing infrastructure by choosing unique, maybe forgotten places and putting them together as a new path and new tourist product.To create these products it will be necessary to carry out a prior analysis of existing resources and potentials in the region.Cities and regions will be built on the knowledge of the participating partners known for their competence in the field of heritage conservation and promotion of a sailing regional development.The other partners will jointly create,test and promote innovative methods of using the cultural heritage of sailing.The project Baltic Pass fits into the Programme objective 2.1 Increased development of the south Baltic area’s natural and cultural heritage assets into sustainable tourist destinations by gathering existing small,not well-known tourist sites in the SB Region and developing them into waterways tourist products.Sea is the common identity of the Region and vessels are the most eco-friendly and sustainable way of exploring it. Expected Results: The main result of implementation of the project “Baltic Pass” will be: Development of blue and green economy by increasing the role of sustainable tourism in the South Baltic Region. The result will be achieved by number of activities grouped in the workpackages: 1. Establishment of local working groups at the regional level that generate an eco-friendly new tourist product based on regional and international sailing routes. The task is expected to activate of the so-called: small actors, representatives of NGOs, private companies, owners, sailing yachts, sailing schools, organizations and travel agencies working for the development of martime tourism in the regions.2. Improving the governance structures of sustainable tourism products through study and dual exchanges. Organization of international conferences and workshops, as well as the involvement of external experts.3. Building a marketing campaign to promote new tourism products and changing the perception of the existing infrastructure.The common goal is to develop and promote best practices in the use of the sailing culture to stimulate economic development and changes in social consciousness.4. Developing and implementing a discount card for visitors called "Baltic Pass"which will encourage to visit and give discounts for people visiting places on paths like museums, hotels, restaurants, nature parks, national parks and events etc.

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  • 82.3%   30 450,00
  • 2007 - 2013 South Baltic (PL-SE-DK-LT-DE)
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

2 Partners Participants