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Tourist Guides for Intellectually Disabled in Europe
Start date: Nov 1, 2012,

The T-GuIDE project replies to 2 needs addressing Europe today: 1. To increase new market/job opportunities; 2. To increase social inclusion.The EU is fighting the increasing unemployment and the related strain on social inclusion as consequence of global crisis, whose tourism is one of the “at risk” sectors. Tour operators/actors are asking for new policies for tourism implementation. On the other hand there is a big problem of lack of inclusion of disadvantaged people, notably, persons with intellectual disabilities into tourist services provision.The main aim of T-GuIDE is to initiate a EU-wide discussion on tourist guiding for intellectually disabled and to build a common guide for training Tourist guides, in terms of common principles, methodologies and recommendations to work on social inclusion, skills implementation and new job opportunities.The Consortium (SMEs, NGOs, VET, Foundations, EU Networks: 9 partners/8 countries) remarks how in the tourism training sector an internationally recognised curriculum for tourist guiding of persons with learning difficulties has not yet been developed.Main T-GuIDE outputs include, then: 1) A discussion document on methodologies for tourist inclusion of intellectual disabled people; 2) Draft T-GuIDE Manual with good practices, methodologies for intellectually disabled; 3) Training of EU 18 tourist guides, using the Draft T-GuIDE Manual (test and refine); 4) A EU training model and T-GUIDE Manual (final version); 5) A framework of skills for training and skills assessment of “T-GuIDEs” at EU level; 6) A Trial of a Tourist Itinerary for intellectually disabled.Impact: 1) 18 tourist guides trained from 8 EU countries; 2) 200-300 tourist guides will pre-survey the T-GuIDE Model; 3) 60.000 of tourist guides and 2000 intellectually disabled reached by project dissemination; 4) 200 ONG for accessible tourism worldwide informed on project results; 5) 10-15 intellectually disabled as visitors at the tourist itinerary trial.
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  •   314 301,00
  • Education and training\Life long learning (2007-2013)\LEONARDO DA VINCI\Multilateral projects on Innovation
  • Project on ERASMUS Platform

8 Partners Participants