European Projects
Torres Vedras in Europe
Torres Vedras in Europe
Start date: Dec 30, 2016,
End date: Dec 29, 2017
The AEHN welcomes students from a rural environment, with few goals for life. Increasingly we encounter young people with few motivations to school and to studies. Their aspirations are few and the future life expectations are becoming lower and lower. The trainer's role in this context is not easy: how to make students understand the importance of their education in the preparation of their future? How to stimulate them to learn? How to help them fight their low self-esteem and enhance their efforts? Today's reality leads us to think about in the European training context, meet other training methodologies, open new paths to our seniors, not forgetting the potential and weaknesses of local reality. The need to rethink our formative educational practice in the present socio-economic context, helps the trainees, whether young people or adults, in promoting their learnings and elevating their professional and citizenship skills, were guidelines present in this project. In this sense, this project was designed to promote good educational practices, developing skills in trainees and trainers, enhance communication between professionals, disseminate knowledge and approach people. As well as continuing the similar projects started in 2013, which proved to be very positive for the participants and for the school. And aims to:-reduce the school drop-out rate and increase the rate of completion of professional courses (currently 38%);-attract more interested and hardworking students to professional courses;-provide students with learning opportunities in diverse contexts;-acquire new language, professional and personal skills;-stimulate the taste of acquisition of other socio-cultural, economic, historical, gastronomic knowledge of European countries;-instil respect for difference and sense of European citizenship.The project contemplates the mobility of 26 trainees, 2 with special educational needs (SEN), distributed in 2 activities:A1 –Internships of trainees in training institutes abroad (duration 3 weeks) – 14 graduates of the 2nd year of the professional courses of Management and Programming of Computer Systems Technical (TGPSI) Processing and Food Quality Control Technical (TPCQA), and 2 teachers. Most of the students is minor age and the sen pupil presents Asperger syndrome, what requires an ongoing monitoring during the mobility.The activities to be carried out by students of the course TGPSI will be held in classroom training and in context of work in local businesses defined by the host school. Students can develop activities in enterprises in terms of hardware, software (installation and configuration), networking and programming. Study visits in several companies in the region will be also held. The activities to be carried out by students of the TPCQA course consists of further laboratory and analytical practice in food products, in the school laboratories and develop knowledge of laboratory work and food processing through study visits in several food companies in the region. The high school in Hranice, the Czech Republic, is our partner and will receive the mobilities in February 2017. Our students will interact with the host school students daily, providing the development of linguistic and socio-cultural skills among peers.A2-Internships of trainees in companies abroad (duration 11 weeks)-12 third-year graduates of professional courses in Management and Technical Systems Programming (TGPSI) and Graphic Design technician (TDG). Most of the students is minor age and one of the students has special educational needs at a cognitive level. The mobilities of students only took place in companies in the region of Barcelona in Spain, in the graphic arts and Computer and Communication Technologies area. The M&M is the intermediate entity with business and responsible for mentoring of trainees.As results, it is expected participants have A curricular and professional enrichment, A development of language and socio-cultural skills , confidence and self-esteem, respect for differences, deep awareness of being European. The results of the project will influence the educational program of the school, and enrich new technological and professionals proceedings.The impacts should be at various levels, improving the professional education and practical preparation of students, the increase in the rate of completion of courses, employability and/ or entrepreneurship in the region.