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Tools of the Trade for Teaching in VET - TTV

The starting point of the project is that there is nearly no knowledge on the teaching reality oftrainers in VET in Europe. This is astonishing because the teaching practice of trainers is astrategically important issue for the quality of output and outcome in VET. Therefore theteaching practice has to be focused in the debate on development and the improvement ofthe VET system.This was the background for the project`s aims:Good practices in teaching was made visible, so that existing know-how and experiencesin this area could be reflected and used for development of strategies for a quality improvement inteaching. There were discussed and tested strategies how to embedded individualised teaching methods into different institutional structures where the know-how of the trainers can be exchanged and fostered bystructures of institutional support.So the rather "intuitive" pedagogical practice of trainers in VET can be transformed into morereflected activities.
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