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Tools for integrated regional and business development (Advantage Hardwood )
Start date: Feb 28, 2003, End date: Mar 8, 2006 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The full title of the project ‘Advantage Hardwood – tools for integrated regional and business development’ illustrates the wide approach chosen. By promotion of hardwood species (birch, oak, alder, beech etc.) in forestry environmental aspects (biodiversity, outdoor life) are provided for. The amount of hardwood timber available will increase which is essential for hardwood business (processing, production of hardwood products). By promotion of hardwood business, especially in SMEs, rural development will be emphasised. The hardwood issues are also used as an example to visualize the regional planning aspects that will give both planners and the industry good arguments for cooperation, and thus a better outcome for the regions involved. Project partners are regional authorities and forest enterprises (similar) in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Poland, Russia and Sweden. For descriptions of the partners, please visit .The main aim of the project was by using deciduous forestry and hardwood as a common asset and tool: to enhance the environmental-friendly use of land, to increase competitiveness of BSR hardwood industry; to increase capacity of staff and management in forestry and hardwood industry; to collect and exchange regional best practices and establish a sustainable networks (sector-wise and cross-sector) involving professionals in the forestry sector (public and private), hardwood business and regional administration. Achievements: The project focus was mainly on trainings. As a result of the seminars and workshops performed (examples listed below), widened knowledge among partners and other stakeholders have been achieved. The importance of networking and the use of the cross-sectoral Advantage Hardwood network has been acknowledge by all involved in the project activities (also trainees and representatives of private sector).List of selected workshops and seminars arranged with participants from all project regions:• Sustainable forest management and hardwood resources;• Hardwood marketing and business seminar;• European spatial development perspective-seminar;• Use of hardwood in architecture and building construction;• Drying seminar;• Seminar on international marketing;• European spatial development perspective-seminar;• Small-scale management with hardwood species;• Afforestation of agriculture land and how the local municipality can act to guarantee nature preservation and rural development;• Best practices in sustainable broad-leaved forest management.There have also been pilot projects about oak woodland model programme, quality issues in deciduous forestry and hardwood business, European Spatial Development Perspective in practice, and a study of hardwood interior cladding on the UK market. As a result of these following economic expertises have been elaborated: Polish hotel market - Investigates and describes possibilities for the hardwood industry at the polish hotel market; Strategies for the wood industry of Sweden; Scottish hardwood market - Investigates and describes possibilities for the hardwood industry at the Scottish market.The project has also elaborated following guidelines and recommendations: Multi-purpose management of oak habitats, Facts about hardwood, Wind scatters leaves around the forest, Farmland use.
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  • 34.7%   611 205,00
  • 2000 - 2006 Baltic Sea Region
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

16 Partners Participants