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Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Unemployment rate in Estonia is 4-5% at the moment. Economic development is limited by lack of staff though there are lots of vacancies on labour market. The number of homeless people, living in Estonia, does not know anyone. Various sources suggest that the number might be around 2000-5000. There are about 3 million homeless people in Europe. People who come to courses and services like job clubs, work-training, implementation of an individual employment, homeless shelter are often problematic. It is very important to increase the efficiency of the services provided to the discouraged people. The percentage of the people who will return to normal life would be higher if the services would be provided more efficiently. The objectives of the project: • Refer to unemployment, homelessness situation in higher income countries, analyse cause of the problem there and solutions (what kind of services are provided to people in need) • To find solutions on the basis of other countries which would work for us and avoid mistakes which have been done in countries with higher income • As results of the project new knowledge and methods will be applied to our activities and courses • To learn from local systems of supervision of volunteers’ and training systems • Prepare to work with discourage people from foreign countries The number of participants and the profile: Participants are six employees from Keerub OÜ, who work in homeless shelter or job clubs, work-training, implementation of an individual employment. Staff is experienced all the employees have social higher education or has professional certificate in adult educator occupation. Description of activities: Mobility will take place in Ireland and Spain. Participants will attend on mobility as job shadowing of people who work with discourage people. Local social system, services and courses provided, training methodology, effectiveness of reintegration programs will be analysed. Methodology of Project Management: • Agreeing on precise rules and obligations • Setting clear goals and responsibilities and presentation them to different parties • Each participant will get specific task • Analysis of the results • Project manager will be responsible for signing the contracts with partner and participants • As much as possible invoices will be paid by bank transfer (accommodation, travel expenses etc) Results and expected impacts: • Participants will be more competent at their work, they know how to use effective methods in work with discourage people, are more tolerate • Newer and more effective teaching and activity methods will be launched • Received ideas how to combine volunteer work with the services offered by the state in order to bring back to life the discouraged workers and their return to labour market • Keerub OÜ will be more competitive on offering social services • First active foreign relations will be established • Will be prepared to work with discourage people from foreign countries • Results of the project will be presented to buyers of the services (Estonian Unemployment Fund, City of Rakvere) and also mapping of the results will be made to realise what would be reasonable to take in action Possible long term benefits: • Participants of the services, provided by Keerub OÜ, will be more competitive in labour market; employers will have more employees • The results are presented in a broader to buyers of these services, effective methods and principles have been launched and thereby services are more effective
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