Together for youth
Start date: Jan 1, 2015,
End date: Jan 31, 2016
Salesian Association of Don Bosco SADBA is engaged in volunteering more than 9 years. The association already trained more than 300 volunteers in the Czech Republic and abroad. Apart from the 3 accredited volunteer programs also accepts EVS volunteers through new Slovak partner Mladiinfo Slovensko. The aim of the project was to enhance the employability of volunteer through enhancing his competencies, than promote volunteering Erasmus + and to experience working with youth in general, directly in our organization.
The project was designed for one volunteer starting from January to August 2015. Expecting volunteer able to communicate in both Czech and English, opened to the new environment, able to engage in educational work in Salesian style in various educational teams.
The main activity of the EVS project consisted of number of sub-activities that volunteer can directly choose during the entire project.
SADBA is dealing with a lot of different activities that volunteer can experience during the stay. For example:
a) engaged in unorganized company with youth in the “so called” –oratory ( gaming the and educational program for youth, mainly outdoor activities) developing of educational , linguistic and team skills.
b) concerned with running the organization of the company- the development of intercultural relations in team and also IT skills,
c) involvement in the community - development of technical skills
The project results were available in many different way (web, periodicals, youtube, personal meetings, facebook , private television ) from the local to the international level. Similarly, we expected wide impact of the project.
Its long- term benefit is:
- Increasing the potential labour market among the young people that are freighted of unemployment ( incl. use of Youth Pass),
- Enhancing the relation in EU both organizations between people involved
- Improving the quality of work with youth in both organizations , partner organizations.
- Highlighting European citizenship through volunteering in general.