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TODAY WE MAKE TOMORROW THROUGH YESTERDAY - Dall'eccidio di Marzabotto alla Costruzione dell'Unione Europea
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

TODAY WE MAKE TOMORROW THROUGH YESTERDAY is an international project aiming at creating an active space for young students to build European citizenship and engage in dialogue about their EU rights, building a vision of how the EU should be in the future, starting from the knowledge of the tragic historical events which occurred during World War II. We would like our students to experience and to visit some of the sites where these tragic events occurred, rather than to learn about them only from books. A focus will be placed on the educational projects of the Peace School of Monte Sole, in Marzabotto, a place where one of the most tragic events took place. A group of 30 Italian and German students of secondary school, aged 15-19 and their teachers will visit the historical site, will follow the educational project of the peace school and will work together to write their Monte Sole Charter of Civil Rights (in English, Italian and German) about the steps to be done to strengthen the young people's commitment for a world future of peace , rights and democracy. Two important moments of dissemination of the results of their team work will be on two significant days: 27 January( Remembrance Day ) and 25 April (Liberation Day) when there are celebrations all around the country . The students will read literature on this theme and will publish their own creative writing on the topic on an e-book. We need the direct involvement of our students in building a stronger EU, but they must experience what happened in the past to be able to voice their concerns and prepare the ground for their European future. The tasks of the project will be connected mainly with the awareness of the possible consequences of failing to respect human rights. Therefore, the activities will support the exchange of ideas and encourage students to engage in thought-provoking topical debates: learning from yesterday, living for today, hoping for tomorrow. The project willo also include the building of a learning curriculum on contemporary history focused on citizenship to be shared with others schools both in Italy and in Germany.

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