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Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

A human always needs a bed, where he could lay his tired head after the working day, the table on which he will find a loaf of bread, or chair on which he can sit and reflect on a day spent in a meaningful way. A joiner/carpenter is one of the oldest profession in the world, it is still kept alive in all eras and in all countries. After all, the world's most famous personality was also a carpenter... Of course, the table may be simply made of several boards, but it can also be very modern, made of plastic and metal and can be transformed in a way that have many functions. But it all depends on the professional excellence of a joiner/carpenter. Vocational school students-future joiners, carpenters or furniture makers - acquire the basic skills at school, but they lack the most modern technology management and entrepreneurial skills. As most students of this specialty think about their own business, what is relevant to the regions of Lithuania, they plan to work in small workshops and they are often the second or third generation in this profession in their families. Thus, this project aim to make the students to know the business world, acquiring entrepreneurial skills, as well as improve their foreign language skills and knowledge. Participation in the international practice will raise prestige of the profession, will develop an educated, diverse and versatile personality for the benefit of society and the community, capable to adapt to the constantly changing world of labor. Internship abroad will be the part of their apprenticeships with employers, during which future carpenters / furniture makers will get familiar with the latest furniture manufacturing technology. It is important for the preparation of a carpenter / cabinetmaker that employees feel comfortable in the workplace, know how to use the most modern tools and mechanisms. Therefore, the main objectives of the project is to improve the joinery / furniture makers specialty technological competencies of students, to introduce them to the latest furniture production equipment, as well as train individual work with modern equipment and advanced technologies used in the production of modern furniture for home and office. During their practice students are expected to learn to work with all general purpose machining skills and experience. One of the main goals of the project is to develop entrepreneurial skills and creativity, to learn the peculiarities of small business. Another goal of the project – to widen geography, to learn about small business of European countries. The project also aims to help students to develop their international and intercultural competencies, develop communication skills, learn dynamics and the ability to assume responsibility for their own learning outcomes and professional achievements, improve the general skills (digital literacy, technological skills, entrepreneurship), and to promote student creativity providing the opportunity to integrate into the EU and the Lithuanian labor market. The project will involve 16 students of joinery / furniture makers specialty from 3 Lithuanian vocational training institutions - Marijampolė VET Centre and Vilnius and Kaunas Builders Training Centres. Students will be trained a few months before the internship in consortium schools- they will deepen their professional skills, improve their English language, be interested in the foreign countries, perform their assigned tasks. They will be guided by an experienced team of the consortium according to a work plan. Project impact on the participants and the organization will be very visible, because they will deepen professional, linguistic competences, entrepreneurial skills, the organization will strengthen cooperation relations between the administration, teachers, students and their families. Benefits of the project are that future joiners / cabinetmakers skills and knowledge will be better, be prepared competitive sector specialists, the project will highlight the advantages of vocational training system.
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