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To work together = get to know each other (Pracovat společně = navzájem se poznávat
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project: To work together = get to know each other, involves pupils and staff of both partners (schools in Haviřov - the Czech Republic and Jastrzebie - Poland) into the activities whose common goal is to get to know the life and the working style in the partner´s country, region and school better. Two schools with the similar technical orientation and personnel, which have been cooperating in a limited way since 2006, are going to work together to enhance their partnership qualitatively and quantitatively onto the higher level. The very important factor of the partnership is also the regional similarity and cultural as well as social interconnection of partners. The basic project´s objectives are: 1. To learn about the similarities and the differencies of the life in the nearby regions of two neighbourhood countries. To identify possible stereotypes and prejudices and to learn the cultural diversity. 2. To involve pupils and staff into the systematic teamwork on the common theme, to acquire new methods and forms of working in an international team, and to link up the project work with the school curriculum. 3. To support the use of modern ICT both in the communication and when obtaining the information and processing it. To increase the student´s selfconfidence and their communication and presentation skills and to develop the learning of foreign languages, especially English, as a tool for the study and the research. This project involves into its activities similar groups of students (aged 15 to 19) and teachers divided into 3 branches, which will work in parallel. In each team, there will be up to 15 students working on the topical project’s assignment. The teams will be modified according to the needs and orientation of the task but about 50 out of total number of 250 students of all the selected courses of study will be working on the project at the same time. In this way the project will affect all the target group. The target group = students of graduation branches Autotronic, Building services, Business, Furniture and wood manufacturing, Operating engineering with Czech partner and students of "Technikum" - Mechatronic, Miner, Informatics, Analyst, and “Lyceum” providing the general knowledge type of education with Polish partner. The project activities will be guided and supervised by up to 15 teachers from each school. The total numbers of pupils and teachers in all the school courses are 750 and 60 in Czech and 950 and 78 in Polisch school. The project activities are divided into 3 branches – Cultural, Sport and Technical, in which the students will fulfil these tasks and create these outputs: - The Czech-English-Polish dictionary of technical terms and schematic symbols used in the field of Electronics, Regulation Hydraulics and Pneumatics - The survey and comparison of two regions in terms of the air pollution caused by the traffic and local industry - The measurement and comparison of pupil’s physical condition and sports skills and an overview of achieved results, applied methodology, graphic outputs and the adopted conclusions - The overall presentation of the most important sports clubs and the outstanding regional sportsmen including interviews, statistic and video reports - The lexicological Czech-Polish dictionary of teenagers (the most frequently words used by teenagers and a comparison of their morphological and phonetic similarities and differences) - The regional cookery book and video cookery book (dishes made by pupils) + culinary manual - The oral and electronic presentations, charts, photo documentation, video records with Polish, Czech and English subtitles covering the areas: The outstanding regional personalities and The social life and history of Havířov and Jastrzebie - The preparation and organization of final seminars in both schools An inseparable part of activities are 6 week- long training activities (3 in the CR, 3 in Poland) – 4 for pupils (10 pupils/act.) and 2 for teachers (5 teach./act.) - focused on project work, fulfilment of the project´s objectives, creating of the outputs as well as learning about the life in partner school and region. The project will take the partnership of both schools to a higher level and create a highly motivating school background through offering partners interesting topics and involving pupils into the school life. The project will learn pupils and teachers modern team work at international level, increase their communication and presentation competences and improve their ability to benefit from the latest technologies. Project will allow exploit the potential of both schools and implement new methods and forms into their educational processes. All the participants will visit many local and regional institutions and authorities and gain the whole picture of their neighbouring regions including their similarities and differencies. It will lead to the strengthening of participants’ sense of belonging to Europe.

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