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Το i-Clouding ως εργαλείο στα χέρια των εκπαιδευτικών για την βελτίωση και την ανάπτυξη της εκπαιδευτικής διαδικασίας με απώτερο στόχο την αποδοτικότητα και την αποτελεσματικότητά της.
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The official implementation of this particular project has been undertaken by experienced and certified teachers in the field who also possess considerable experience in developing projects in this area of environmental studies with students also participating in it. They are efficient in teaching both theoretical and practical (laboratory) components of their discipline in up-to-date, contemporary and realistic ways as required by the rapid developments in the field of technological media. The project also bears the approval and has received the assistance of the Head of the Laboratory Centre along with the participation in it of the Headmasters of individual schools which in the jurisdiction of the Laboratory Center of Ampelokipoi. Within the framework of practical (laboratory) and theoretically oriented teaching and learning schemes we have focused on the need for renewed information on new teaching methods that emerge from the rapid development in technology today and how these could be fully exploited in the teaching process. We do wish our teachers to be in a position to improve their skills in handling modern electronic tools that will enhance their teaching methods as well as their professional profile. We paid particular attention and we listened attentively to the problems teachers face being aware, at the same time, of their willingness to be part of in-service training endeavor. We also took into consideration various i-cloud paradigms such as the e-class, the synchronous and a-synchronous method of digital tuition as well as the simultaneous word-processing on the Internet through group work. Furthermore, we paid particular attention to such issues as the i-cloud storage techniques that have lately been introduced to the everyday teaching practice and find their application into various presentations carried out through the i cloud regime. After studying in detail the potential of specific and alternative forms of electronic organization and handling of information and the ways this is taught, we have come up with the realization that there is a pressing need for designing and putting into practice relevant informative courses so as to contribute positively to the implementation of the whole project. As a result, the possible application/implementation of our project will complement, reinforce, explicate, improve and enhance in the best possible way all those features that up to the present time have largely shaped our own training via the world web. Along with all the above we also aim at: - Improving the skills and abilities of our teaching staff, especially during these critical times our country is going through, as well as its overall educational system by providing the teaching community with more high quality data. - contributing to the reinforcement of the official (Europass certificates) features of the project, but, also to the essential improvement (hands on, empirical training) of their qualifications as an important presupposition for their further professional development and advancement. - Familiarizing teachers with the latest teaching methods - Learning by the example set by other similar, successfully developed educational systems of other European countries. What is to be expected out of this much sought for us journey? - First and foremost, to feel the joy and satisfaction of participating, both individually and collectively into what we perceive as a combination of features both pleasant and beneficial. -To return and emerge with fresh knowledge, enhanced critical abilities as well as with our foreign language skills considerably improved. - To fully comprehend the actual landscape of the Spanish educational system and its teaching methods and techniques. The project is expected to commence in August 2015. Our destination country is Spain, the city of Barcelona, in particular. The selection of the time period, during which the project will be in progress, has been chosen on the basis of individual participants as well as on the basis of the smooth operation of individual school units of Laboratory Center Ampelokipon. The selection of the country and of the specific city has been based on the corresponding partner school which is situated in the city of Barcelona and is conveniently situated in the wider area of the city. Wishing to take full advantage of our partner school facilities and special location we made this particular choice.
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