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TMMP Europoje (Tauragės Martyno Mažvydo progimnazija Europoje)
Start date: Aug 1, 2016, End date: Jul 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

In today's society various changes influence different spheres of life, including education and lead innovations need. Educational innovation can take place in many ways: they can take within the organization or within the European school projects, the school community, by participating in these projects, including the various partner countries to exchange experiences and make use of the successful examples of the implementation of educational innovation. Pupils' motivation determines the quality of its teachers, emotional literacy, creativity, active methods in the classroom and information technology. The project "TMMP in Europe" will help to implement the strategic development goals, opening the door to international cooperation. 9 school teachers are selected for project implementation, the selected course themes corresponding to the school strategy and action plan, the visits of job shadowing are organised with partners. The purposes of the project "TMMP in Europe":1. To strengthen the European and international relations.2. To develop cooperation with partners from other countries and training centers, improving the managerial competencies of teachers as leaders of their qualifications, language skills.3. To improve students' self-confidence, motivation and learning excellence, preparing them for life in a diverse global society.4. To improve the use of IT, to integrate social networks in teaching and learning, interactive learning.5. To improve intercultural micro-climate of school and class, harmonious learning cooperation of team, to deepen teachers' understanding of group dynamics, various students destructive relationship forms an effective response techniques and methods.6. Include qualified (even absent in Comenius, Erasmus + program) teachers of different subjects in Erasmus + KA1 - mobility for learning purposes.7. To represent your country, its educational system, its authority, sharing of best practices through learning mobility.8. To organize dissemination activities, teacher training, lead open lessons in sharing best practices from job shadowing visits and courses.9. To create an account on School website for dissemination of the project.All the participants actively take part in progymnasium life, constantly share their experiences, participate in regional, national projects, prepare and present reports, have great social, organizational skills and competency in their field. Teachers, students are winners of Olympiads and competitions' winners.Psychologist, II qualification category, 13-year work experience in the education system. Psychologist for many years active in providing psychological support to pupils, leads workshops and lectures for young people, parents and teachers. There are provided 5 job shadowing visits in Italy, Spain and Portugal and 4 courses in Malta, Norway and Italy (2). The topics of job shadowing visits and courses are selected for the School European Development Goals. The project activities consist from practical preparation courses, participation in courses and job shadowing visits, dissemination and evaluation of the project, the Republican Conference ,,Experiences in Erasmus + projects".Working with partners from other countries to strengthen international relations, will provide greater opportunities for development, career development and the implementation of new projects involving students, preparing them for life in a diverse global society.School administration obtained knowledge in job shadowing visits, will apply for school management and planning development, the creation of the climate of the school, project management, collaboration activities with the school community, parents' involvement in the educational process. The visits also help to prepare for the integration of migrants at school and education.Teachers participating in the KA1 activities and improve their English language skills, boldly engage in European projects. At the end of the project to share their experience, the teachers actively apply innovative teaching (learning) methods to improve the quality of lessons, effectively managed the class climate. By using popular social networks Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Instagram, Youtube in lessons it will encourage initiative and creativity of students and other relevant competences. Students will improve their emotional intelligence, will show better motivation and results of learning, will acquire more human values.At the end of the project organised the Republican Conference will provide an opportunity to share experiences gained during the project, to hear the experiences of other schools of the republic and in KA1 and KA2 activities. Others experience will encourage institutions to get involved in the Erasmus+ program.

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