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TLCD Training and Learning for Community Development

The main aim of the proposed consortium is to take the lead in networking to apply the results andoutcomes of past and current Grundtvig Programme actions to the field of community-based trainingand learning. It will draw maximum benefit from the exchange of good practice and implications forEuropean policy for community-based training and learning.The consortium on Training and Learning for Community Development is designed to maximisetraining material related to civic skills for the professional development of trainers, on the basis ofextensive, co-ordinated networking The proposed consortium addresses specifically the current gaps intraining and learning to meet the needs of those working within communities to support capacitybuilding and empowerment.The consortium will1) Link the core principles of Community Development (as described in the Guidelines for Training andLearning for Community Development produced in the Grundtvig 4 project 2006) to training andlearning systems working from a national level to a European level within the context of the LifelongLearning Programme.2) Set up an interactive network combining relay visits from country to country with electronicnetworking and increased mobility for exchange of learning and good practice linking the national andEuropean level and linking into related networks.3) Increase networking from practice to policy specifically in relationship to the draft Europeanguidelines for training and learning for community development developed in Budapest in 2006 andwill extrapolate shared lessons from exchanges in line with the Open Method of Co-ordination.
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  • Education and training\Life long learning (2007-2013)\DISSEMINATION AND EXPLOITATION OF RESULTS, AND EXCHANGE OF GOOD PRACTICE (KEY ACTIVITY 4)\Multilateral projects
  • Project on ERASMUS Platform