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Tisser des liens européens pour mutualiser nos savoirs et s' enrichir humainement
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

In accordance with Official Bulletin of 7th January 2016, we want to offer young people and adults an opportunity to go abroad for training.In our school 798 vocational training students have already taken part in international projects either by different trips or thanks to a first experience with Erasmus + in Seville.With a teaching staff reinforced by a steering committee and a school leadership that support us, we wish to expand our mobility offers both in the destinations and in the target classrooms. Such a project has also highly aroused feelings of envy among our school staff to take part more in this programme by accepting a period of mobility.Our students are really eager to demonstrate proficiency in a second language for career prospects, but also to become autonomous, confident, to share and discover professional practices. In a short, enriching across boundaries. Morever it is also essential to train teachers who will be voluntary to accompany the pupils from our school. Therefore this will make their classroom practices and project pedagogy more dynamic and better.During 30 days 34 students will take a one-week intensive course session in the language of the host country for the next two years.The students who will participate in this project are from various backgrounds : Sales or Retail services management, Health , Electrical Engineering and Renewable Energy training. In this way, each speciality will take avantage from each student’s work experience.A provisional schedule makes the list of the successive stages toward the completion of the mobility project : selection of candidates, preparation of departure, linguistic and exam preparation.In addition to their work experience abroad, every candidate is committed to creating a databank of local and foreign companies which will allow to develop an inventory of businesses, their contact details, their field of activity as well as their ability to welcome foreign trainees. Thus, the partner country will have access to this source of information and will then be able to add more details whenever it deems necessary.8 Erasmus+ forms for teaching staff will complement this approach. Obviouly the gateway to other cultures does not need to be proven for these teachers accustomed to school exchanges, study trips, and welcoming foreign representatives.The objective of these mobilities will consist in developing a common work with the foreign partners. During their immersion schooling or professional programme, they will use a cross analysis board in order to talk about their experience, analyse, compare with the origin countries, meet and interact with foreign teachers and implement professional practices.Special attention will be given to teaching methods allowing to help students, especially those with great challenges in integration and education.In order to carry out this programme of mobility and with the intention of responsing to requests to open up to foreign countries, we will develop several partnerships.As a first step, we will rely on our partner in Seville, OSCUS school, with the objective to maintain our cooperation following recent mobilities.Then, various contacts are ongoing, more particularly with the Republic of Malta. Another contact is getting under way with a Polish school from which we are receiving a delegation early this year.As for Germany we are permanently in contact with the representative from the DAREIC so as to find out the ideal partner that meets the specific needs of our students.Curriculum vitae, letters of application, interviews into foreign language, looking for partner companies, preparatory cultural linguistic and civic courses will be part of the preparation with support documents.The major objective for our students is clearly to take an active role in shaping their own training. In so doing, they will generate additional value for their higher education and professional career.Besides the individual benefits from this mobility for learners and teaching staff , such a system applied on two years will offer 34 EUROPRO work certificates and a similar number of Mobility Europass. The holders of a vocational baccalaureate who obtain a sufficiently high mark in the Mobility Optional Test will be eligible to the EUROMOBIPRO certification – experimental certification from the Ministry of National Education.The system will generate exchanges of educational and professional experiences. Teachers will be part of the DNL training programme – Non linguistic Diploma - necessary for the opening of an European class.To give added value to the work done by the teaching staff and the candidates, evening eventswill invite all the participants to show the dynamism of our organization and partners. We shall take full advantage of this influence to propose in the future large scale projects such as Strategic Partnership or Professional Charter programmes.
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