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Tirocini formativi in ambito ICT
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

TITLE: Internships in ICT - Acronym; JOTIC The project is JOTIC rivolato to 48 students attending the second last / final year of their courses of study: 1) Economic 2) Tourism The project aims to create a link between training and acquisition of skills expendable in the labor market in order to combat the increasing levels of unemployment, especially among young people and stem the flow of the dispersion and school dropout in our territory. The general objectives are: 1. Promote excellence in Education and Training. 2. Improve the performance of students at risk of dropping out of school and with low skills base. 3. Strengthening the transversal skills for employability. 4. Reduce the number of adults with low qualifications. 5. Make full use of ICT, to increase access and use of open educational resources in all the way of education. 6. Strengthen the professional profile of all the roles of teaching. Its specific objectives are: • Alignment with local economic development strategies in particular, regional and national level; • Increase training opportunities in another country of VET students and trainees, aimed at to acquire the skills necessary to facilitate the transition to the world of work; • Promoting linguistic diversity and intercultural awareness of the EU; • Promoting partnerships between education and the world of work. • Raising the level of higher education; • Reduce the dropout rate. Host countries are: England, Ireland, Spain and Malta. The project duration is two years Participants start in groups of 8 with a companion for each group. The main activities are: A). Preparation activities. Will be related to project management, to its spread, the language training, cultural and technical. The activities are open to all beneficiaries in addition to the accompanying teachers, staff of the Secretariat, trainers and training managers. B) Activities for professional development. Performance of work experience / learning in the workplace (work-based learning) abroad at companies through a Computer Internship thirty days. C) Follow-up activities. Impact It is expected that the project will have a real impact relapses, for beneficiaries: acquisition of knowledge, skills and personal skills for employability. For school the realization of a European network aimed at capacity building and skills necessary to promote their transnational cooperation in VET D) Description of results The project activities are aimed at achieving: - Skills Municipalities (Base and Transversal) divided into Relational and Management. - Technical and professional skills. The skills in outcome are: 1 interact in the working group, adopting methods of communication and behavior able to ensure the achievement of a common result; Competence Area Municipality SCOPE RELATIONAL; 2 behave and functional strategies for effective and efficient execution of the activities; Competence Area Municipality SCOPE MANAGEMENT; 3 Develop solutions for multimedia communications VOCATIONAL TECHNICAL FIELD competence; 4. Plan strategically every aspect of marketing and digital communication (digital strategy) VOCATIONAL TECHNICAL FIELD competence. Each jurisdiction is divided into Skills and Knowledge This division of responsibilities will allow the verification of stocks, including any reductions in future training of beneficiaries and were characterized by the mutual recognition by the host organizations in which you will perform the internship abroad and a certificate signed by the school at any skills acquired . The allocation of credits will be combined with exceeding the criteria for verifying the educational objectives, in turn linked to skills. The entire system will be aimed at a clear description of the skills acquired. The final certification will be structured in a Certificate of Europass Mobility that contains the list of skills with their educational objectives and criteria of verification. Finally, the project includes: E) The Dissemination of results F) The Rating
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