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TIPS T-learning to improve professional skills for intercultural dialogue

The TIPS project aims at realizing a pilot training course for cultural mediators based on t-learning methodology. Culturalmediators skills and competences are stimulated and challenged by their “clients”, the immigrants, requiring targeted andcustomized answers to very specific, sometime individual, problems. Cultural mediator’s main needs consist on developingskills and competences to realize an effective “communication bridge” with the immigrants, overcoming language difficultiesand personal behaviour constraints (e.g negative experiences, culture, uses).Continuous and updated training, especially on the job training, and information support should be assured to theseprofessionals, which play a key role in today global societies, whenever these are needed. The ICT could provide this flexibleand tailored support developing a new learning opportunity. In particular, t-learning methodology, which balances andintegrates the use of TV learning , e-learning and mobile learning, allows continuous and on job training. Moreover throughmobile and Internet devices the cultural mediator participating to the pilot training course will have the chance to join theTIPS learning network where practices and suggestions of all participants could be shared and developed.The pilot training course will focus on skills and competences required for effective an socio-cultural mediation:communication skills, relational abilities, problem solving.The innovative aspect of the proposal consists on T-learning methodology which consists on the integration of three differenttools: Internet (e-learning), Television (tv-learning), Mobile (m-learning).TIPS didactic methodology has been developed according to two goals: 1) exploiting benefits of integrated use of distanceand digital devices, 2)maximizing benefits offered by each specific tool (e-learning platform, TV platform, mobile platform).The course contents will be then accessible through the three tools and for each tool specific didactic features will bestructured. Internet will be used to provide, through the TIPS project web site, more general information, materials, news,and will allow the access to the e-learning platform where didactic material can be stored and downloaded. TV learning willallow the realization of personalized training session according to participants’ time availability and needs. Video and audiolessons, with topics organized as hypertextual contents, will be available on TV and e-learning platform created for theproject.Training course contents will also be available any time and anywhere on Mobile, e.g mobile phones, PDA, through themobile platform. The m-portal will also allow the access to the TIPS mobile phrasebook, which contains a repository ofmost important phrases and expressions translated in more than one foreign language, and to the TIPS e-book which willprovide information about different culture tradition, religion, practices, etc.The mobile will allow to learn directly on a work environment, so to realize a “learning by doing” approach integrated with a“ work based learning” method. Moreover the integrated use of mobile and internet will allow participants to access the webportal forum, blog and chat areas so that continuous cooperation and communication among all participants of the virtuallearning community would be constantly implemented and guaranteed.
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