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Time to say I CAN
Start date: Jul 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Currently, the european community is facing 2 big problems among young people: the lack of job opportunities and the tendency for intolerace, discrimination and exclusion, which is widely visible across the societies. Nowadays, the discrimination and exclusion showed by young people towards minorities and imigrants come from the uncertainty about finding a workplace or from the uncertainty of the future. The religion matter is marginal, and young people are actionally manifesting discrimination and xenofoby due to the uncertainty of the their own future. AT the end of 2015, the unemployment rate in Spain was 47.7% and in Italy 39.8%, hign numbers which show us that almost one out of 2 young people does not have a job. In the same time, there were 5.4 million immigrants in Spain (out of which about 500.000 thousand from conflict areas) and 4.9 million in Italy (out of which 600.000 thousand from conflict areas). This situation escalades the fears for future and leads to tendencyes of radicalization, intolerance and discrimination towards other youth people with different nationalities and cultures.The objectives of the project are:O1. Promote tolerance, intercultural dialogue and development of entrepreneurial competences for 38 young people aged 18-30 from 5 european countriesO2. Gain of key competencies (entrepreneurship, cultural awareness and expression) for 24 active youth workers from 5 european countries, with the goal of multiplying this initiative at the level of the partner’s local communitiesO3. Development the capacy of the 5 partner NGO’s for cooperation at national and international level against discrimination, intolerance and radicalization of young people, by transfering the know-how and good practices gained during the 2 mobilitiesO4. Inclusion of 10 young people with fewer opportunities belonging to minorities or immigrants, in order to establish communication bridges for intercultural dialogue and tolerance.Project “Time to say I CAN” will be implemented over a 6 month period, between 1 July-31 December 2016 and will consist in 2 mobilities, as follows:a. Training Course with a duration of 9 days (including travel), organized in Ranca between 15-23 September 2016b. Youth Exchange with a duration of 10 days (including travel) organized in Horezu between 15-24 October 2016In the activities will take part 62 participants (24 youth workers and 38 young peeople). Our partners in the proiect are: Spain (Asociacion Juvenil del Valle del Guadalhorce Accion Naranja), Italy (Associazione Culturale Beyond Borders Corato), Poland (Stowarzyszenie Zmiana Tematu), Lithuania (Asociacija Aktyvus jaunimas).Each mobility will have a complex methodology, structures in 4 stages, as follows:a. Interaction and group cohesion: integrative methods to improve the group dinamic and group cohesionb. Exploration stage, identification of problems and sollution: methods such as workshops, brainstorming, debates, planning ideasc. Creation and experimental staged. Follow-up and multiplication stage: integrative methods and team workThe results and impact of our project are the following:- 38 youth people will gain key competencies (social-civic, entrepreneeurial – validated through the YouthPass)- 5 group leaders will act as multipliers and promoters for activities with the thematic of cultural dialogue, tolerance and understanding- 5 stakeholders (Ciyhall and school in Horezu, NGO’s, schools in Tg-Jiu) will be actively involved in the project and will grant the access of project results to local communities- approx 150 young people in Ranca and Horezu will get in contact with the implemented activities- approx 200 young people will benefit of Minority Caravan- 1 network made of 5 NGO’s will be put in place and will actively work on activities and innitiatives cncerning minorities and immigrants

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