Search for European Projects

Time to move Europe Episode IV
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

This project allows the posting of pupils HLW Sta. Christiana Frohsdorf to complete a 12-week compulsory internship as a supplement and consolidate the acquired classroom knowledge and skills in subject-related businesses in European countries. Companies are willing to take our students for the duration of compulsory internship . The project involves the higher commercial school (HLW) Frohsdorf of the School Association Institute Sta. Christiana , the hotel Rungholt, Sylt/Germany Sylt and the hotel Intercontinetal Westminster, London/England involved . The project partners serve as an intermediary and junction of communication between businesses locally, as well as school students or their guardians . We want this project to increase the mobility of our students and enable them to supplement or expanding their education experiences in the European labor market. Key skills such as social skills, teamwork and self-reliance are to be promoted , the learned in the classroom knowledge to practical use , extends the knowledge of foreign languages, operating structures and know the professional qualifications be improved. Participating in the project pupils are on the 3rd Born of their 5-year secondary vocational education at secondary school for crafts . They are on average 17 years old and have 11 years of schooling . From 3rd and 4th year in this type of school provides the curriculum in the teaching -free months from June to September 2014, a 12-week internship in , corresponding to the curriculum , relevant discipline , enterprises in industry , tourism or food . The training at the higher educational establishment includes not only general , commercial- economic and creative content and the learning of modern foreign languages (English , French , Spanish and Hungarian ) and an education in the culinary area ( kitchen, service , business organization ) . The pupils should consolidate by the practical experience in operations outside the home , the school learned through daily use. Applying the learned foreign language enables pupils the intense immersion in an intercultural dialogue . The resulting knowledge and skills are for the academic progress , completion of final exams as well as the entry into professional life is of great importance . Systems thinking in the areas of business and tourism to be promoted . Tolerance and respect for other cultures and peoples should be as well as the awareness of the importance of cultural and linguistic diversity of Europe strengthened. The good experiences with regard to language skills, flexibility / mobility, and independence from previous Leonardo da Vinci projects have shown that the completion of an internship abroad occupies an important place in the context of training or professional and pesönlichen development of our students and encourages us to this new project in the Erasmus + applied for.

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