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Tilbake til røttene.
Start date: Jul 1, 2015, End date: Jun 30, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

We apply for a project where the participants are students at VG2 Media og communication. (vocation)The background for the application is multiple. We would like to develop a new program for Media and Communication at the same time as we would like to further develop the school as an attractive teaching institution in Buskerud. We would like to get to know the Erasmus+ - program. In future work with the program we would like a school development which includes possibilities of new applications and cooperative projects.The goal of the project is a three week visit for the students, where they are to develop new skills, attitudes and understanding. The students are to develop greater understanding of the old craft within their curriculum and develop pride in work and humility towards the field they have chosen. The students will get training in traditional printing techniques. The method used in Germany is built on old craft techniques. The students will get a greater understanding of the craft and couple this with modern printing techniques and design in a european perspective. The students will get a deeper understanding of the curriculum and cultural, linguistical and historical competance.We would like to send 10 students and one teacher to BBS2 Göttingen.The participants are students which we hope will start as apprentices.The goal of the project is to create greater understanding for the students, by seeing old craft techniques and new technology in context to be able to implement this in todays need for innovative work.
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