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Three campaigns that integrate the SMEsector businesses and their surroundings in the efforts to protect the environment (LIFE/3 xEnvironment/PL)
Start date: Oct 1, 2013, End date: Apr 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Background SMEs account for 99% of all companies in Poland, employing some 9 million people. Their impact on the environment (in terms of the use of natural resources and energy and overall emissions) is quite substantial. A study of 17% of the SMEs shows that the yearly consumption of resources amounts to some 89 million m3 of water, 12 million MW of energy, 145 000 tonnes of paper, and 5 million m3 of wood. Only 8% of the companies surveyed were aware of the scale of the environmental impact of their activities. As a result, the potential for improving resource efficiency and decreasing environmental footprints is high. The need to increase environmental awareness in the SME sector is also great. One way to improve environmental performance is to inform and train managers to measure and reduce their consumption of resources. Objectives The main objective of the project is to convince managers and employees of 3 000 companies to protect the environment through the more efficient use of natural resources. Six sectors are targeted, both in production - construction, wood (carpentry), automotive mechanics, printing, food (bakers, confectioners) - and personal services (hairdressers, beauticians). Actions will focus on three campaigns: The training of managers in 500 companies with the aim of carrying out concrete improvement actions; The supply of good examples and information tailored to 3 000 companies affiliated to the Polish Craft Association in order to promote environmentally-friendly practices; and The dissemination of results to 10 000 associated groups (general public, business institutions, public administration, media) in order to create a positive image of companies that care about natural resources and the environment, and to promote their activities. Specific objectives include: A 10% reduction in the consumption of selected resources in at least 30% of the participating companies; Saving resources by advising 1 000 employees in 500 companies on how to reduce waste; Increasing the awareness of up to 3 000 entrepreneurs about the economic and environmental benefits of saving resources; Reinforcing public acceptance that individuals have a role to play in reducing consumption of resources by collecting and sharing good practices; and Increasing public awareness of the need for action to support the effective use of resources by engaging social partners and research units. Expected results: The project expects to achieve the following results: 100 companies will reduce their consumption of selected resources by 10% by carrying out organisational and technological improvements and implementing a monitoring system; 1 000 employees from 500 companies will be trained to analyse resource consumption and to propose resource efficiency improvements in their companies; 3 000 entrepreneurs will receive an information package about the economic and environmental benefits of greater resource efficiency; and 10 000 companies and individuals will be made aware of what they can do individually to improve resource efficiency.
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