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Think, Act, Work Sustainable
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Our project rises from the deeply felt desire to give our contribution as educators and citizens to improve the society where we live: it is the education system duty not only to furnish contents to students but mostly to give them values and skills which are spendable on the labour market and on the wider society as well; 25% of travelling students will belong to disantvantaged situations.Based on the analysis of present trends in the job market, asking for more sustaianble and low-carbon technologies and jobs, an in line with the Europe 2020 and Innnovation Union directions, as well as with the most recent "SustainAble Innovation Forum" within the annual COP 2015, the T.A.W.S. project wants to develop a new approach towards the sustainable instances: we will furnish a great support to improve sustainable behaviours in social life (in part already adopted by our students thanks to previous school projects and to national policies), but at the same time we will show students how it is possible to become sustainable entrepreneurs by exploiting the latest technologies. The transnational mobilities will be crucial to create an international working environment, where students and teachers will exchange good practices and learn the best from one other. In particular, the following timetable has been planned:ICELAND, October 2016: M1-1st TPM (1 teacher) + C1-1st SHORT TERM JOINT STAFF TRAINING EVENT (2 teachers)FRANCE, December 2016: C2-1st PUPILS' EXCHANGE (4 students + 2 teachers)GREECE, April 2017: M2-2nd TPM (1 teacher) + C3-2nd PUPILS' EXCHANGE (4 students + 1 teacher)GERMANY, November 2017: C4 - 3rd PUPILS' EXCHANGE (4 students + 2 teachers)ITALY, May 2018: M3-3rd TPM (1 teacher) + C5-4th PUPILS' EXCHANGE (4 students + 1 teacher)Only one Short Joint Staff Training Event has been planned: at the beginning of the project, 2 teachers will follow it and during 5 working days, and they will not only acquire the necessary skills to start up the TAWS project, but will also have the responsibility to spread all acquired knowledge and copmpetences to local colleagues, onceat home. In order to save travelling costs, in case of need future training sessions will be organized via web and run by teachers or sector experts. A strong support will be furnished by local stakeholders representing successful examples of green economy, who will take part to seminars and workshops organized in each school. Students will meet them "on the field" during the transnational mobilities, and each local school will start up productive collaborations with them in order to enhance local students training (even in view of future employments, once out of the school system). Even several universities offering graduate programs related to sustainability instances will be visited, in order to encourage students to keep on studying in such an important and developing sector. Students will also meet nonprofits organizations working in the field of social and environmental sustainaibilty, in order to enhance a better developmentAs for the working meythodology, students will learn in a blended environment, both inside schools, within a TET approach, and outside schools, by using tablets and smartphones as working tools, thanks to which they will be able to produce a number of outcomes and to improve their involvement in society as activly sustainable citizens. All the project outcomes, including 4 Outputs (two MOOCs, Video Tutorials on the main topics and a final eBook), will be disseminated thanks to an alrready defined plan, aiming at reaching the wider audience by means of a promotion campaign based on dedicated meetings, posters and leaflets, the setting up of "European Corners" in each school, the involvment of as many local stakeholders as possible, the use of digital technologies and social media to get the wider audience. In order to evaluate the project outcomes and results, several assessment tools will be used: evaluation will be regular during the 2 years project, and will continue for 5 years after its end as part of the dissemination strategy.
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