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There is something new under the sun
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The energy revolution is the way to a future without any nuclear energy and to an industrial society which is obligated towards future generations concerning sustainability and responsibility. The implementation of the energy revolution is a primary international aim which is also referred to by the 4th Climate Conference of Berlin of 17.03.2014. The necessity of rising awareness in general and the allergization of the young generation are also clearly given. With this project we will sensibilise all participants for this problem, clarify contexts and contemplate solution possibilities. The pupils should recognize their responsibility as European citizens and they should become aware of the necessity of international collaboration and the upcoming problems they will help to solve. The pupils should also realize how important it is to possess a school education and a professional education so that they can take care for their future concerns and to become active and responsible citizens who can contribute to Europe. By gaining knowledge about the relationships between sun, energy, environment and nature the pupils should take responsibility for their own behavior and therefore to the environmental consequences. In this context a change of behavior should happen concerning the use of energyWe mainly concentrate on the sun during our focus on renewable energy because the sun is the core element of the solar system as to natural science and shines to all nations and all life depends on it. Therefore the sun is also a symbol for the consolidation of all nations and cultures. With this project of the sun we offer a large band of information and possible courses of action in the areas of natural science, languages art, geography, history, religion and literature to the pupils and teachers. The content will be elaborated due to the course of instruction and multidisciplinarity. Besides the project will be framed on different levels to reach as many pupils as possible and to motivate them to campaign for their school so that they can gain interesting and positive experiences which keeps up their motivation for learning. This mainly affects pupils who struggle with the subject material and where the risk of a school dropout cannot be excluded. With this project we mainly address to pupils in the age of 14-17 who attend secondary school. At every participating school there will be class or group of pupils who works on the topics with various subject teachers.Therefore there will be the many activities and experiments at the schools on the topic of sun and energy in the area of natural science in the name of the subjects of physics, mathematics, and technology. Various models e.g. sun collector, solar car, solar cooker and a sun dial will be built. The approach and the impact or application spectrum will be described and documented with photos. In the area of history/geography/culture we will occupy ourselves with the exploration of old cultures and the meaning of the sun for the Indians of North America, Aztecs of Mexico, Indians and the Romans. In the area of biology/nature/environment we will grow flowers and vegetables in our school garden and the growth of (sun) flowers till the autumn will be documented in written form. With photos we will view and keep record of the turning movements of the plants. In the area of art the art works of Miro and other artists to the topic of the sun will be examined and painted again. All results will be documented in written form and should be published in a “sun box” on the website for all interested people. In doing so accurate verbal expression will be demanded because the results should also be translated into English. Besides a own website, where we would like publish our project work for all people, we will also produce two issues of a magazine to attract people who cannot read about our project in the internet. To emphasize the necessity of learning a foreign language and to sensibilise pupils for that we want to record some kind of dictionary as a movie to execute first conversations and to express the importance of languages. We will also visit photovoltaic constructions and debate about their necessity. The reduction of prejudices and the improvement of getting to know each other should be supported among all participants with the help of a conversation about the topic “what do we know about the other country or what do we think to know”. The knowledge of IHKT will be also supported with the help of the documentation. Through the activities the joy about learning will be supported in a long term way. Models will be produced for the lessons and a retrievable “sun box” with materials to the topic of the sun will be provided on the website.
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