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The VOICE of European TeacherS
Start date: Nov 1, 2012,

The VOICE of European TeacherS (VOICES) is a network, which connects students as future teachers, teachers, teacher trainers in Europe. New is the connection with researchers and persons of other institutes connected to the educational field. The network promotes the European dimension, innovative educational ideas and research. The overall aim is to implement European Teacher competences (key competences for lifelong learning and competences developed during the projects Face-it: 134362-LLP-1-2007-1-NL-COMENIUS) and ETSize: 510134-LLP-1-2010-1-NL-COMENIUS-CAM. The next step is promoting schools and teachers to stay in contact, work together, start new projects and share best practice. Collaboration during projects and reflection on our activities are the keys in the learning processes within the network.Thematic subjects are: European Identity, European Diversity, European Citizenship and European Professionalism (Knowledge approach, way of teaching, European school concepts). New thematic fields: language competences (plurilingualism and early foreign language learning, early years development, new teacher education with an emphasis on blended learning and rich media, contribute to the enlargement of the amount of activities in the field of European professionalism. European competences are crucial for future teachers, teachers, teacher trainers and researchers. The VOICE of European teacherS (VOICES) will be in social networks and on the internet The VOICES network promotes research in the field of European teacher competences, promotes digital literacy, organizes in-service courses and conferences and publishes a newsletter.
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