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The Vision of the strange
Start date: Aug 10, 2016, End date: Jan 9, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Yes we have returned with the eagerness to continue investigating, evolving and experiencing as we did in the first phase of this project, called "THE THIRD ROLE". In it, association partners, participants and outsiders got to experience the emotions, feelings and frustration that come with the process of putting yourself in the shoes of a gender different than your own.This will be the second out of three phases of the project and in order to understand it as part of "gender education and awareness", one must first take a look at the results obtained from the first phase. This mainly focused on introspecting and analysing the "personal luggage" that participants carried with them and how they understood the concept of gender equality based on their upbringing, societal labels, as well as on the prejudices they had acquired throughout their lives. The link below contains the documentary that was created in order to present the first phase of the project. It serves in evaluating it before proceeding with elaborating on the next phase of the overall project which will be actualized through this new exchange. time, we intend to explore the reaction we have to the topic of gender judging from the stares, opinions, stereotypes and concepts (in many cases ill-natured) from the point of view of those who surround us every day in our lives. These may strangers of acquaintances from work, leisure, circles of friends etc. The way they perceive and judge our gender can tell if our society is really ready to accept a person as whom they freely choose to be, or rather in a veiled way while rejecting all that is unfamiliar or seems strange.Project objectives:1- To train young people of the 6 participating countries on the principles of equal opportunities for both sexes.2- To make institutions, participants and the public aware of new gender perspectives and new educational paths.3- Raise awareness of the wide range of gender-related issues existing at personal, interpersonal, community and societal levels.We intend to continue with the same project structure and develop similar activities but this time from the perspective of the project’s "outsiders". Our association partners and participants, will spend 8 intense days in a group of 45 participants from 6 different countries, Spain, Germany, Italy, Sweden, Romania and Turkey and will develop some activities of evolutionary and progressive understanding in the town of Villablanca (Huelva) from 10th to 17th of November 2016.As key activities of impact and dissemination this time we propose the following:1- The filming of the documentary "The starring of a stranger", the second part of the overall project The Third Role. This time we will interact with local citizens in different ways to those they are used to, in order to reveal myths and labels. Instead of solely relying on the sex education we have received, we can try seeing the opposite sex from a new perspective and be more empathetic through seeing our own reflection into a different gender. We are certain that a picture is worth a thousand words and the impact and awareness we will accordingly achieve are undoubtful.2- We will implement the diffusion document “PALETTE OF OPPORTUNITIES” where using 6 different CARDS we’ll explain the whole educational process that we carry out with the 3 parts of the overall project, while taking advantage of the backs of those CARDS to publicize the Erasmus program + and identification of each of the partners of the project and its activities. This material will be distributed to the 6 participant countries of the project and their various fields of action as well as in Villablanca, Huelva and Seville which will be visited during the exchange.As seen below, non-formal education methods will be used in order to achieve multiple results in line with the project’s planned objectives:- Discuss how institutions and systems create and maintain gender stereotypes within their culture- Examine how myths, stories, proverbs, sayings and other social constructions create, maintain and reinforce gender stereotypes- Discuss the effect of these different roles, activities and tasks on the relationship between men and women and on life choices of men and women- Develop strategies to promote gender equality and sensibility in behaviour, practices and policies within each organization- Discuss strategies to improve gender equality within institutions and systems- Develop a personal action plan for gender-related change in one’s own life
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5 Partners Participants