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The Travellers of Grand Tour (Voyage and Voir )
Start date: Feb 28, 2006, End date: Nov 29, 2007 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Context:Sicily and Malta are situated in the center of the Mediterranean, between Africa and Europe. They have always attracted curiosity and interests among travellers. The two islands, in tight relationship between themselves for the morphological aspects of the territory, climate, and the quality of the stone that characterizes its architecture, have constantly interacted through commercial exchange as prooved by many archaeological and archive documents. Aims:The main aims of the project are: . To allow to travellers of our time to rediscover a territory seen under an aspect of stratification, with its similarities that are historic, artistic, cultural and naturalistic;. Transfer to users of these lands knowledge and awareness of uniqueness of the place; . Sparkle processes of cooperation and integration and cultural tourism. Expected Results: • Riscoperta del tema del Grand Tour (turismo culturale) mediante la realizzazione di workshop (in Sicilia e Malta), di mostre (a Malta ed in Sicilia), e di una pubblicazione Sicilia e Malta – Le isole del Grand Tour;• Promozione di pacchetti turistici specifici per il segmento del turismo culturale e scolastico.
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  • 75%   207 000,00
  • 2000 - 2006 Italy - Malta (IT-MT)
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

4 Partners Participants