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The Training Programme Supporting Education of People with Low Vocational Qualifications

There is a relatively hight percentage of people with low-level education in Poland which is usually linked with low vocational qualifications. Additional negative phenomenon is a lack of further continuous education habit among the Poles. In 2006, Poland occupied the last place in Europe with the rate of people between the ages 25-64 participating in different forms of education. As a consequence, those with low qualifications are being eliminated from the labor market which causes them to loose income which in turn makes it impossible to participate in any form of training. It creates a self propelled mechanism, harmful for everybody influenced by it and for the whole country. Actions proposed in the project break this mechanism.[Target group] Educators involved with various vocational teaching forms, teachers, trainers and tutors. [Objective]To improve the quality of vocational education in Poland by adapting, testing and implementing trainings programme addressed to educators teaching the use of methods and techniques motivating to act and eliminating the barriers in teaching people with lower qualifications. The programme will be based on results of research conducted in Germany and tailored to the Polish needs. It will be created with a direct link to practice and will include suggestions collected in the Polish enterprises and among Polish vocational educators.

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