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The project of theatre cooperation
Start date: Sep 5, 2001, End date: Dec 30, 2003 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The aim of the project was to create theatre cooperation between the town theatre of Kajaani, the city theatres Joensuu, Oulu and the Petrozavodsk National Th eatre. At the same time the project would also bring the collaboration of the theatres and the North Karelia College in Outokumpu to a new, concrete level, creating permanent cooperation models and relationships. Th e Finnish and Russian culture were also to be made known in reciprocal terms, by exploring the Russian cultural tradition and artistic methods, in addition to preserving Finnish culture and theatre on the other side of the frontier. It was also the intention to organise training for the professional staff of the theatres and gain information about other methods and gain more professional knowledge. Th e project plan included two cooperative productions as well. Achievements: The project organised various different meetings, which secured cooperation partnerships and helped to gain new professional knowledge about making both Finnish and Russian theatre and with regard to working methods for theatre professionals. The project facilitated internationalisation and, as planned, raised the cooperation between the theatres to a new, concrete level. There was plenty of valuable exchange of reciprocal information and methods. Both similarities and differences were observed in practice. The workshops (artistic, information, technical and wardrobe, staging and make-up workshops), which were the actual implementation forms of the project in practice, helped to create permanent cooperative methods and relationships, as well as learn about Finnish and Russian administrative cultures and models of working. The workshops were altogether successful, and they turned out to be a good combination for training and learning and practising new know-how. A Finnish training play called Viidakkopoika ( Jungle Boy) was jointly prepared in the project between Finnish and Russian students. Rehearsals and performances took place in Outokumpu and Petrozavodsk, and the play was performed in Oulu, Kajaani, Outokumpu and Joensuu. The play consisted of several styles of making theatre, and the students were able to complete various study units via the project. The theatres of Kajaani and Oulu visited Petrozavodsk with their own performances. The visit was a success and received nothing but positive feedback. The theatre of Petrozavodsk visited Joensuu and Kajaani in its turn and received a warm welcome. All parties of the project wanted to continue cooperation. Cooperation has continued afterwards with the project Development of cross-border activities in dance and theatre.
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  • 81%   296 800,26
  • 2000 - 2006 Euregio - Karelia  (FI-RU)
  • Project on KEEP Platform

4 Partners Participants