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The Power of Planeteers
Start date: May 1, 2015, End date: Dec 31, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The youth exchange "The Power of Planeteers" was a youth mobility project between Asociatia Dreams for Life from Romania, Kauniaisten kaupungin kulttuuri- ja vapaa-aikatoimi from Finland and IES Serra d'Irta from Spain. The projects started on 1st of May 2015 and lasted for 8 months. The mobility was between 11th and 19th of July 2015, with traveling days included, and took place in Maguri Racatau village, in Cluj county. This project represented the synergy between the needs of the youth, the needs and profiles of the organizations involved and a great concept: Captain Planet and the Planeteers. The exchange was built on the concept of the American animated environmentalist television program, which was very popular in the 90ties. This concept perfectly covered the CENTRAL PROBLEM that we want to address: "The low level of active participation of young people in global problems and challenges." Thus our project aimed at empowering 30 young people from Romania, Finland and Spain to participate actively in society, for solving global problems and challenges. In order to reach the aim we have created the following PROJECT OBJECTIVES: 1.Increasing the level of knowledge, about global problems and challenges, of 30 young people, aged between 14 to 19 years old from Romania, Finland and Spain, during the project period. 2.Developing active citizenship and participation skills of 30 young people, aged between 14 to 19 years old from Romania, Finland and Spain, during the project period. 3.Developing the values and attitudes, for playing an active role in society, to 30 young people, aged between 14 to 19 years old from Romania, Finland and Spain, during the project period. 4.Increasing the level of social capital of 30 young people, aged between 14 to 19 years old from Romania, Finland and Spain during the project period. Each national group was formed of youth from small communities and two leaders. In the Romanian group were 3 leaders due to organizational reasons. In total we had 37 persons involved in the mobility. The themes of the project were Youth (Participation, Youth Work, Youth Policy), Environment and climate change and Health and well-being. The project was build up from complementary activities. In the preparation phase the participants attend a minimum of 4 meetings with the leaders, in order to get task related instructions, inter-cultural and linguistic preparation. During the mobility the participants attended a set of activities which covered a wide range of approaches and methods such as: team-building games, group games, orienteering, nature observations, hikes, Photovoice, Film making, social campaigns, research, reflection groups, energizers, peer to peer work, workshops, debates, presentations, brainstorming, self-discovery workshops, practice activities etc. In the follow-up phase the participants worked in the national groups and made a community event called The International Day of Planeteers. During this event they made Photovoice exhibitions, they presented the movies created during the exchange and made different social actions. During the follow-up phase we created dissemination materials. The most important are: an educational film about active citizenship methods and principles and an online Planeteers movement. Our project produced the following results -ihigher number of youth initiatives and their quality. -a better image of self and increased confidence. -better youth employability and career prospects of youth. -the youth have better career paths. -better learning performances of youth. -more healthy habits and life styles. -managing better emotions, pressure and stress. -the participants became positive models for other youth. -the youth materialized and developed their potential. -increased collaboration between youth and schools/youth centers. On long term we estimated through different surveys that our project produced the following changes: -The general problems the youth face have decreased. -The youth have developed a positive image within the community. -The communities were the exchange took place have developed a positive image and attracted more people and youth. -The financial, political, economical, educational power of the communities has increased. -The communities have a new generation of active citizens. -The relations between youth and their social contacts have improved. -The inter-generational collaboration of the participants has grown. -Different stakeholders from the communities are more willing to get involved and support youth projects.

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