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The path to fair balance of participation: Invisible Young People Count!
Start date: Aug 1, 2015, End date: Sep 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project "The path to fair balance of participation: Invisible Young People Count!" will involve a universe of 337 young people, including youth groups and youth organizations, organizations that work with immigrants young people and community that need special intervention in terms of socio-economic risk, school leavers, unemployment and marginalization of young community. It will also involve the participation of 42 local community youth leaders and associative leaders linked to youth associations and the associations that develop work with the immigrant community and descendants of immigrants. These participants are willing to improve their organizational skills, social competences and their knowledge and attitudes in at national level with multicultural and intercultural groups and planning to organize great youth, counseling and advisory meetings on promotion of structured dialogue, social inclusion, intercultural dialogue, youth participation, active and democratic citizenship. In this project we will increase awareness of the benefits of cooperation for development in the EU from both sides: the young immigrants beneficiaries and the political decision-makers. This is a unique opportunity to put development at the centre of attention of the Finland which also promote the European year of development. Through development of a participatory project, based on the structured dialogue, we want to give not only visibility to this issue, at local, regional, national and European, but also allow these young assume a central role in the development of strategies and measures for its own inclusion and full integration in Finnish society. In this this project aims to provide solutions and their proposals within the community of immigrants to increase the chances of employability, employment, job creation and stimulus to social entrepreneurship in the region, to improve the dialogue between young people in risk situations and young immigrants with few chances with political decision-makers at the local, national and European, to develop strategies and fundamental measures to improve the access and permanence of young immigrants and descendants of immigrants in education system, reducing school drop-out in the region and improve access to the labour market, to create a set of recommendations aimed at minimizing concrete inclusive and some specific problems in the area of unemployment of young school leavers in the region within the community of immigrants, to create a strategic plan that provides better alignment between the young and their policy-makers, deconstructing stereotypes and preconceived perceptions existing political class and the community of immigrants, to bridge the gap in participation of the communities of young immigrants in the structured dialogue, allowing the local youths of specific groups, may influence the process of construction of youth policies at national and European level, to empower local youth associations, that have as their target audience young immigrants and young descendants of immigrants, about the opportunities that exist in the new Erasmus + and to contribute to improving research and case studies to improve the youth policy, immigration and integration in the inclusive system of Finland and Europe. This structured dialogue project will be achieved in 3 stages, in particular preparatory moments - Helsinki: August and September, 2015 then implementation moments (September 2015 to August 2016): regionals seminars for consultations and national meeting then, the last moment is evaluation and dissemination of results (August and September 2016). We expected to support youth initiatives youth immigrants and their organisations with regard to inclusive participation, as well civic and democratic citizenship and intercultural/structured/social dialogue, promote the presence and the role of youth immigrants and descendants of immigrants as positive actors of competences on successful inclusion and support the immigrants youth organizations presence and activities by fostering cooperation with key stakeholders, partners, non-governmental and organizations that work with immigrants by creating a strong and sustainable link with decision makers. In a long term perspective, the plan to achieve a multiplier effect and sustainable impact will increase the cooperation between the immigrants youth organizations and groups with decision makers at local, regional and national level, in order to improve the structured dialogue and social environment that transform shape positively the inclusion of young people with immigrants backgrounds, support network for youth immigrants in order to achieve reasonable minimum living conditions and their possible application in practical life and create join space where youth immigrants organizations and decision makers can come together discuss and find common and best decisions agreement on social, economical and educational inclusion.

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