European Projects
The new literacy set
The new literacy set
Start date: Sep 1, 2015,
End date: Aug 31, 2017
Besides traditional education, nowadays, the school should take care of developing both basic and transversal skills. But the team has also detected other transversal skills not developed enough in schools which are necessary to have. They are the new literacy cluster. The communication skills are essential for success and happiness. People who are good communicators are more successful in their jobs and handle their personal relations much easier. Knowing how to search and evaluate information makes the difference between an active, responsible and aware citizen and and easy-to-manipulate person. Each day one is faced with the consequences of financial illiteracy; very many people are on the edge (of bankruptcy) because they do not understand what they sign or they chose the wrong financial strategy. We must provide this kind of literacy in schools as well.
The objectives of the project are:
1. Enhancing digital integration in learning and development of open educational resources by developing 3 new curricula and linked open educational materials for new literacy cluster including financial, communication and information literacy.
2. Developing ICT, mathematics and language skills and students' creativity, initiative and entrepreneurship using innovative methods.
3. Strengthening students' position in labour market and encouraging their personal growth by developing their communication, information and financial skills.
In the project will participate students from partner schools included in short-term exchanges of students (60 students), students who will participate in new curricula implementation and will use new digital materials (at least 180 students in partner schools). Students with low achievements and study difficulties will be encouraged to participate in project activities.
In the project will participate teachers in partner schools who will implement the curricula (at least 9 teachers competent for the subject), the teachers who are interested in using project outputs and results and will be accompanying persons during the short-term exchanges of students (at least 60 teachers) and staff in partner institutions who will work on the new curricula and digital materials and will participate transnational meetings and/or short-term joined staff training (at least 20 persons).
In topic-related conferences (multiplier events) will participate 90 persons (30 in each country) from media, local community and relevant institutions and 40 persons in closing conference. In teachers training (multiplier events) will participate will participate 90 teacher from other schools. (30 in each country).
The project will have 6 activities in which intellectual outputs (communication curricula, information curricula, financial curricula, open materials for communication literacy, open materials for information literacy and open materials for communication literacy) will be made. Before the curricula development, the research about students' needs will be conducted in partner schools. The content of the curricula and methodology will be selected based on the research. After the curricula is made and approved, partners will work on the digital materials. Each lesson will be followed by appropriate digital materials containing an introduction part with an initial quiz, materials based on the lesson subject, evaluation based on learning outcomes, homework assignments, methodology and explanation where and how the lesson can be used within the existing curricula if applicable.
During the project 3 short-term exchanges of groups of pupils will be conducted. The short-term students exchanges will be used as a pilot-curricula implementation and evaluation tool. The testing and evaluation of the project outputs will provide information which outputs should be improved. All the outputs which will not meet the requirements will be redone. One short-term joined staff training will assure all staff included in intellectual outputs have needed skills and knowledge about learning outcomes based curricula and innovative teaching methods.
The intellectual outputs will be used in new school activities in partner schools after the project is finished. It is expected it will be used in other schools too. That will be enabled through the project website. It will be written in 4 languages (English, Croatian, Spanish and Italian) and will contain all intellectual outputs.
The students who will participate in the short-term students exchanges and the new school activities will improve their skills and knowledge about communication, information and finance. That will help the students to successfully manage their finances, get the information wanted and have efficient communication in their future life, both business and private. The students will develop their ICT and mathematics skills, creativity, social and civic responsibility, initiative and entrepreneurship and improve their language skills.