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The morphological monitoring and methodological guide of the Drava River (Drava morphological monitoring)
Start date: Sep 30, 2011, End date: Jan 30, 2013 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Aiming at meeting the requirements of the Water Framework Directive of the EU for the evaluation of the rivers\' state on a 6-year interval, the project will deal with the examination of the river Drava\'s morphological features. These include the measurements of water discharge, floated sediments and bed load, surveys of additional branches, record of length profile for evaluation of the draw-down, etc.In the frame of the project such a morphological database will be elaborated, which partly connects to the surveys done in the past decades, while on the other hand contains a new digitally based geo-informatic visualisation, to be used by both the Croatian and Hungarian, professional and civil environmental organisations. As a by-product of the activities a methodological guide will be developed which documents and publishes the completion of activities, as well as the evaluation of the results. Achievements: Based on the long-lasting co-operation of the participating organisations and building on the EU Water Framework Directive and the work of the joint Hungarian-Croatian Water Management Commission, the project further developed the joint monitoring system, this time focusing on the morphological aspects of the river. The project included the inspection of the sediments of the Drava river in several border town areas between Őrtilos in Hungary and Osijek in Croatia, as well as water level and geodetic measuring along the river
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  • 85%   254 037,90
  • 2007 - 2013 Hungary - Croatia (HU-HR)
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

1 Partners Participants