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The More Media Literate The More Socially Competent
Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Overall aim of the EU is to develop the society, to bring nations closer to each other, to provide a better and more meaningful life for all citizens. To achieve that, citizens must be more active and more concious as to how to develop their smaller or bigger societies. In order to be able to do so, citizens must understand their role in the society; life and procedures of groups forming it, basic rules to live and play an active role in it - i.e., citizens must be competent in civic and socital questions. In order to have a developed civic/social competence, citizens must communicate. Today, there is a communication flood around us and we mut not be lost in it. In order to master it, one must be literate in it - so also in the media carriying and providing the information. Therefore, citizens must have a developed media literacy too. The earlier people start acqusition of those competency and literacy is the better. The project's objective is to elaborate tools to develop media literacy and civic competence for pupils of 10.-14. and 15.-18. years of age. There are some aspects in some schools addressing the two topics, but in general and in an integrative way, schools lack teaching materials for that. Participants aim to elaborate teaching concepts, textbooks and also ICT versions for both topics, including also "train the train" parts for the teachers, theory and practical examples, methodology of teaching, classroom planning suggestions and - to bring the topics even closer to active involvment and identification-, four multi-round case studies. The project team consists of seven partners from five different countries. It gives a clear internationalism (generality) to the project results, maintaining at the same time their local dimension and usability too. Partners have is deliberately came together in such a composition, that in itself secures multi-facetedness and usability of the results. So, apart from the schools and teachers, a regional directorate of public education, a municipality, a civil foundation and an organisation active in communication and social responsibility form the team. (all of them are non-profit organisations) With that, several direct and indirect target groups are also represented right within the team yielding high quality and high and wide usability of the results. Project tenjure is two years and the activities go on in two forms: transnational meetings; consisting of project management and also workshop parts and coordinated interim individual work of the partners. The former ones secure proper way and timely actions of the project procedures and also proper quality and generality of the project contents; while the latter give way to intensive, coordinated but individual work of the partners - securing the strong local dimension too. Methodology of the project procedures is clearly set: it starts from proper definition of the present state of the art (national specifics and requirements, teaching practice and experience, best practice, literature assessment; questionairies and surveys to fully characterize the status of the target groups) and the proper definition of the project target, the "Leitbild." Having the two critical points on the line, working sequence is easy to be determined. Method of the project work rests on the integrated way combining joint direction and control with specific responsibility and (albeit controlled) freedom to act. Project work rests on clear and regular communication amongst the partners. Promoter (i.e. the project coordinator; 'primus inter pares') is the Erzurum Regional Directorate of Public Education.) Project work and control rests on PDCA (plan - do - check - act) sequences. Project is to yield a complex teaching concept for development of both media literacy and civic competence; two textbooks for two age groups containing both topics; "train the trainer" & theoretical and practical parts, homework and control question sectors, interactive case studies elaborated to bring pupils close into the topic, complex teaching methodology for the topics; classroom planning proposals. Further, a complex ICT version for the whole textbook contents will also be elaborated. The project and its results are expected to have strong impact on several target groups: teachers, pupils, schools are an obvious target, but communities, decision makers and policy makers will also be involved and informed. Dissemination is an integral part of the project and it will be done planned and regularly; and the multiplication events (planned after the intellectual work results are available) will also be an effective way to reach large nomber of citizens directly or indirectly. Project results are developed for the upper elementary and secondary schools. However, partners develop materials so that they are usable in adult teaching too: first of all, involving the parents of the two target age groups and also young adults in general too.

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6 Partners Participants