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The King of my castle: connecting individual to social empowerment
Start date: Feb 1, 2015, End date: Dec 31, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The “King of my castle” project addresses to youth worker that are, in their various States of origin, involved to activities with youngster. It aims to develop leadership and facilitation skills, both in work with individuals and group, by training basic soft skills (effective communication, conflict management, problem solving ecc). The youth workers will be guide in a self-development and relational path within a general frame of Empowerment process. At the end of the course, they will be able to transfer the empowerment’s impact from the individidual dimension to the social one. The impact is expected both on the organization they belong to, by increasing cooperation and networking between organizations, as well on the youngester they work with in terms of better quality of activities delivered, in order to increase their social inclusion The educational process will focus on the methodology of non formal education, coaching, facilitation. The project will include experential and practical workshops and case studies. The training course will be held in Rome for 8 days and will involve 24 youth leaders from Italy, Spain, The Netherlands, Romania, Ukraine, Armenia. The partnership involved in the ideation and implementation of the project is composed by ISTISSS - Istituto per lo Studio sui Servizi Sociali (Italy), Associacion Paideia (Spain), PLEK (The Netherlans), Support for Youth Development Association (Romania), EkoArt (Ukrain) ArmActive (Armenia).

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