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The influence of migratory flows in Europe on teaching practices and on national gastronomic traditions
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

This European project implies 5 catering vocational training organisations from France, Autria, Finland and Turkey. These different schools need to improve pedagogical methods to prevent the dropping out of the students and as well to foster their integration into the labour market and find their place into the society. Indeed, when teaching, we can face multiple difficulties of the students. Through this kind of project, we want to make the teachers change in their day-to-day work. The project will provide a space to get new learning methods to help young people to reconcile them with school and with the education system. Thus, during this project, more than 20 teachers will observe other pedagogical methods, will have space to exchange with European colleagues. They will implement new pedagocial methods in their classroom and evalute them. A the end of the project, workshop files will be gather and put on a website in order to disseminate the results. Through this project, we also want to test a method. We are convinced that if the students have a better knowledge of themselves in terms of their past and their origins, they will get self-esteem and will be stronger to face nowadays life. We wonder if this process will have consequences on their special needs in learning. Through this European project, we will answer to this question. To do it, we imagine to create a book with recipes. The students will choose a recipe according to their story and who they are. During the European project, they will learn how to introduce themselves, will improve and personalize the recipe. About 85 students will travel abroad to exchange about the project with foreign students. Through this project, they will get or improve differents skills: knowledge of European products and how to cook them, new cooking techniques, knowledge of migratory flows, English language, social skills, capacity of adaptability... All these competences will be certificated by an Europass document. The Saint Michel vocation college is also part of this project because of its printing section. A class will follow up this project and will print the book. It will be an opportunity for the catering training students to discover another job and reciprocally. The students from Saint Michel school will exchange with Luovi and Turkey's students which have design or printing section as well. This European project is a real chance for the students to help them integrating into Europe and into the labour market, espacially for the special needs students. We will follow up this project through 4 transnational meetings, an important moment to communicate, to evaluate and to adapt if necessary. This will also be a place to exchange about pedagogical methods to give space for innovation. We will disseminate our results through our organisations (most of them are national), through different networks we belong and also through a blog. We hope it'll become a dynamic virtual space for exchange between English teachers and catering teachers. We hope to create a dynamic network of catering schools which want to modernize their pedagogical methods and would like to offer European learning path to the students.

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