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The Impact of Social Youth Workers in Disadvantage Neighborhoods
Start date: Aug 1, 2015, End date: Mar 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The African Empowerment Centre in partnership with Aar Social Development Association and "Jovens Unidos Rumo à Esperança" have a chance to put Africans workers workers on the network of african organizations in Europe as reputable contributors and role models to the social rights for the benefits of people in disadvantage situation. This project "The Impact of Social Youth Workers in Disadvantage Neighborhoods" will be achieved in 3 step, particularly first moment in September in Helsinki, second moment in October in Stockholm and last moment in Almada in November. It will allow the development of a common plan with proposals and recommendations that will contribute to the development of local actions of organizations and capacity building in the special area of socials rights. With the involvement of african youth workers will get different partner organizations work together for the benefit of youth workers that are facing unemployment situation and for the benefit of communities living in disadvantage neighborhoods through social rights support coming from the african youth workers. This youth workers mobility project will be involve directly 33 african youth workers in the risk situation of unemployed and from disadvantage neighborhoods that have experience on youth fields and that use non formal education as basic elements and keys of better understand and development in this mobility project to involve youth workers to get more capacity on social rights to support people with few opportunities in disadvantage neighborhoods. General objective: - To define the terms of realization of organizational and pedagogical autonomy more suited to the resources available on social rights learning, in order to expedite the development of the work for the sake of social rights, outlining new responses of youth workers in contexts that justify the support to the people in the risk situation of exclusion living in disadvantage neighborhoods. Specific objectives: - To increase the capacity of african youth workers on social rights to provide crucial support the the community with few opportunities living in disadvantage neighborhoods. - To establish complementary offer curricula, provided for in the array of social rights, in order to contribute to the integral promotion of youth workers participating in disadvantages neighborhoods for the benefits of people in difficult situation of unemployment. - To find strategies and measures to improve the access and permanence of the youth workers in the integrated local system in the partners countries, reducing social problems because the lack of understanding and knowledge of social rights. - To implement projects monitored by national and international services covering the occasional creation of homogeneous groups of youth workers in order to remedy difficulties to act for social support to the people living in disadvantage neighborhoods. - To promote, where necessary and in the light of the resources available, the support during training, increasing cooperation between youth workers and the quality of social rights learning and educational actions. - To promote cooperation between youth workers in order to enhance the social and pedagogical knowledge of each, in benefit of the quality of social supports for the good of the communities. We believe that this project will help to develop a whole set skills in african youth workers as participants identified and explained earlier to improve their abilities in the intervention of socials rights. Will also contribute actively to bring the african youth workers to the institutions, demystifying and deconstructing preconceived images, and consequently bring others the youth workers of African organizations in partners countries. This impact makes it of particular relevance considering the main target group of the project. These african youth workers who are extremely deprived of social problems and resolutions in this case socials rights, will have the possibility to participate in the system and of the meet, which will allow to approach these youth workers in systems and network of European social interventions. But on the other hand, will also contribute to bring their own social institutions and entities that represent this target audience, which despite being often considered as a priority, is seen more as a problem than seen as part of the solution, not being directly involved in the processes of consultation, discussion, revision or creation of solutions, jobs, employability and particularly in social rights supports to the communities in disadvantage neighborhoods.

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